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2016 年 2 月 高 速 铁 路 技 术 No. 1, Vol. 7 第 7 卷 第 1 期 HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY Feb. 2016 文章编号: 1674—8247(2016) 01—0078—06 圣泉 1 号双线特大桥刚构 - 连续组合梁设计 王 聪 鄢 勇 (中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031) 摘 要:小半径曲线梁由于弯扭耦合效应,结构受力比直梁更为复杂;贵广线圣泉 1 号双线特大桥主桥采用 (40 + 6 × 80 + 40)m 预应力混凝土刚构 - 连续组合梁,位于 R = 600 m 的曲线和 - 24. 0‰纵坡上,为目前国内 曲线半径最小、联数最多、跨度最大的双线铁路桥,设计难度较大。为了准确模拟结构受力及变形状态,文章 通过“Midas Civil 2011”建立空间有限元模型,对其进行详细计算分析,最终得到该桥的受力响应,从而验证了 结构设计的正确性。文章从孔跨确定、构造尺寸、参数选用、计算结果等方面对该桥的设计进行介绍,以供类 似结构参考 。 关键词:刚构 - 连续组合梁;小半径;曲线梁 中图分类号:U442 文献标志码: A Design of (40 + 6 × 80 + 40) m Rigid Frame And Continuous Composite Beam of Shengquan N0. 1 Double Line Super Major Bridge WANG Cong, YAN Yong 8 (China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610031,China) Abstract:The structure stress of small radius curved beam is more complex than that of straight beam, because of the coupling effect of bending moment and torsion. (40 + 6 × 80 + 40) m prestressed concrete rigid frame and continuous beam has been adopted in ShengQuan N0. 1 double lines super major bridge on Guiyang-Guangzhou railway, located on a curve of R = 600 m and a Longitudinal slope of - 24. 0‰, it is currently a double lines railway bridge with the least curve radius, the longest connected and the longest span in China. In order to accurately simulate the structure stress and deformation state,a space finite element model is established by using Midas Civil 2011 finally, the bridge stress response is obtained based on the detailed calculation and analysis to verify the correctness of structure design. This pa- per presents the span,structure sizes,design parameters and computed results of the bridge, providing reference to the similar structures. Key words:rigid frame and continuous composite beam;small radius; curved beam 1 工程概况 距离 。 圣泉 1 号特大桥位于贵阳市西北的黔灵公园附 贵广客运专线,线路自贵阳北站起,经黔南州、黔 近,受地形、车站站位及桥下公路隧道、高压电塔等构 东南州、广西柳州(北部,非市区)、桂林、贺州、广东肇 建物控制,线路以 R = 600 m 的曲线、- 24. 0‰纵坡通 庆、佛山终至广州南站。是西南地区最便捷的铁路出 过。该桥孔跨布置为:(24 + 6 × 32)m + ( 40 + 6 × 80 + 海大通道,



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