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30 11 Vol. 30 No. 11
2010 11 Jou rnal of Centra l South U niversity of Forestry T echnology Nov. 2010
1 2 3
, ,
( 1. 湖南湘投控股集团有限公司, 湖南长沙 410012; 2. 湖南大学 土木工程学院, 湖南长沙 4 10082;
3.长沙理工大学, 湖南长沙 4 10076)
: , energypl s
, ,
: , 6, 50% , ,
32% , 1. 74 1, 2. 89 1
: ; ; energyp l s; ;
: TK 11 : A : 1673 923X( 2010) 11 0167 04
Engineering optim ization of earth source heat pump system for
hot summ er and cold w inter region
1 2 3
LIU Chong , HOU X ik ai, XIAO H ongg ang
( 1. H nan X iangto H old ings Gro p Co. LTD, Changsha 410012, H nan, Ch ina;
2. College of C ivil Engineering, H nan Un iversity, Changsha 410082, H nan, Ch ina;
3. Changsha University of Scince Technology, Changsha 410076, H nan, Ch ina)
Abstrac t Based on an examp le of an office b ild ing in Changsha, the key technology of the gro nd so rce heat p mp system
for hot s mm er and coldw inter regionw as smi ply analyzed and disc ssed, incl d ing the ann al energy cons mption smi la
tion of the whole b ilding, a detailed analysis of the b ild ing load, the design scheme of cold and heat so rce, a xiliary cool
ing eq ipm en t and the p ipe, asw ell as the operation m on itoring program s. Under the least favorab le condition, the load on
the s ixth floorw as the m axmi m load am ong whole six floors, and exceeded average load by 50% . Am ong whole item s of
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