如何恢复Checkpoint UTM-1 270防火墙到出厂设置.doc

如何恢复Checkpoint UTM-1 270防火墙到出厂设置.doc

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如何恢复Checkpoint UTM-1 270防火墙到出厂设置

如何恢复 Checkpoint UTM-1 270 的出厂设置 Author: Create Date: 2009-4-23 Last Update: 2009-4-23 Reference Version: 1.0 Document Status: Draft Change History VERSION CHANGED BY DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) CHANGE DESCRIPTION REVIEWED BY 2009/4/23 The first version How to restore to factory setting for Checkpoint UTM-1 270 To restore the factory defaults using the Hyperterminal console: 1. Using the supplied serial console cable from the RJ45 port, connect UTM-1 to a hyperterminal machine. In the Port Settings window, the setting for the Serial console is 9600 8N1 (9600 BPS, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). From the Flow control drop-down list, select Hardware. 2. Configure the hyperterminal parameters. 3. In Hyperterminal, select Call Call to connect to the appliance. 4. Power on UTM-1. 5. While booting, the following text appears: When this text appears, you have approximately four seconds to hit any key to bring up the boot grub menu. Once the boot grub menu appears, you have approximately ten seconds to hit any key or the machine continues to boot. 6. Scroll down the boot menu to highlight Reset to factory defaults. 7. Press Enter to reset the appliance settings. QA: Q: Hang up when it boot to below diagram. A: Check if any external device is connected to this UTM device. E.g. external CD-ROM or USB disk and so on. Remove external device, then restart UTM. Q: How to check hardware configuration info. A: When this UTM device is booting, the first screen will display CPU, Memory, HD and other HD info.


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