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引言 井冈山天然林和人工林灌木特征分析
安徽农业科学 , Jou rnal of Anhui Agri. Sc.i 2010, 38 (36) : 20923 - 20924, 20929 责任编辑 常俊香 责任校对 况玲玲
1 ,郑博福 1, 2
13 ,郭建明
(1. 南昌大学环境与化学工程学院 ,鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室 ,江西南昌 330047; 2. 中国环境科学研究院 ,北京 100012)
摘要 以井冈山自然保护区天然林 (常绿阔叶林 )和人工林 (杉木林 、厚朴林和毛竹林 )中的灌木为研究对象 ,对其碳密度和重要值进行
了对比分析。结果表明 ,常绿阔叶林碳密度最大 ,为 0. 153 kg/m3 ,厚朴林碳密度最小 ,为 0. 027 kg/m3 ,前者是后者的 5. 6倍 ; 4种森林类
型中灌木碳密度排序为 :常绿阔叶林 人工杉木林 毛竹林 厚朴林;天然林中灌木高度、基径和生长状况优于人工林。
关键词 碳密度 ;常绿阔叶林 ;人工杉木林;重要值 ;生态环境
中图分类号 Q 148 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 - 6611 (2010) 36 - 20923 - 02
Ana lysis on Shr ub C har acter s of Na tura l For est and M an2ma de W oods of J ni ggangshan M ounta ni
L IN W ei et a l ( College of Environment and Chemical Engineering, N anchangU niversity, Key Laboratory of Environment and Re sources U2
tilization of Poyang Lake, M inistry of Educa tion, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330047)
A bstra ct The shrubs in natural forest and man2made woods of Jinggangshan nature rese rve were selected as re search objects for comparing
and analyzing their carbon densities and importance values. the selected natural forest was evergreen broad2leaved forest and the selec ted man2
made woods were fir forest, Mag noliae officina lis woods and mao bamboo woods. The re sults indicated that the carbon density of evergreen
broad2leaved forest was highest, being 0. 153 kg/m3 and that of M. officina lis woods was lowest, being 0. 027 kg/m3 , the former was 5. 6
times of the latter. The carbon density sequence of shrubs of 4 fore st types was evergreen broad2leaved forest man2made woods were fir
woods mao bamboo woods M. officina lis woods; the height, ba se diameter and grow th status of shrubs of natural forest was superior to
that of man2made woods.
Key wor ds Carbon density; Evergreen broad2leaved forest; Man2made fir woods; Importance value; Ecological environment
水土资源是人类生存最基本的条件 ,然而由于人类对水 aceae)、壳斗科 (Fagaceae)、金缕梅科 (Hamamelidaceae)、山茶
土资源长期不合理的开发利用 ,导致水土流失日趋严重 [1] 。 科 (Camelliaceae) 、杜鹃花科 (E ricaceae)等科的乔木树种 ,常 灌丛植被具有保持水土、改良土壤