悬崖别墅:最后的效果图Alex Hogrefe-专筑iarch.pdf

悬崖别墅:最后的效果图Alex Hogrefe-专筑iarch.pdf

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悬崖别墅:最后的效果图Alex Hogrefe-专筑iarch

悬崖别墅:最后的效果图/Alex Hogrefe 悬崖别墅:最后的效果图/Alex Hogrefe 关键词:专筑网,专筑文化、专筑视界、专筑 讲坛、专筑视频 标签:建筑, 教程, 悬崖, 别墅, 效果图, Alex Hogrefe, 渲染, vray Cliff Retreat: Finale Image 由专筑网韩平,刘庆新编译 我希望这个效果图能够更有趣,并突出建筑的规模,同时也能接近最终的效果图。虽然 我已经整合了一些特写的透视图,但是还没有一个可以展现整个建筑体量的效果图。我选择 了一个既能展示地平面,又能展现悬崖别墅临水特色的视角。但是由于视角参数的原因,我 无法直接获得适合的效果图。因此,我必须将许多背景图片拼贴起来以获得最终的效果图。 以下是该效果图制作的快速分解步骤。 I wanted to have some fun with this image and create something that conveyed the scale of this project. Sort of a grand finale image. I have already generated a lot of close-up vignettes, but nothing really showing the project its totality. I chose a view that would grab some of the horizon, but also show the cliffs crashing into the water below. Because of the parameters of the view, I didn’t have an aerial image that I could just patch my project into. I had to create something from scratch by stitching many context images together. Below is a quick break down of the illustration. 1. SU 建模/1. Sketchup Model 以上SU 模型展示了整个悬崖的高度,这有助于我在PS 中正确地框选纹理的尺寸。 Above is the Sketchup model showing the full height of the cliff to help me scale textures properly in Photoshop. 2. V-Ray 基础渲染图/2. V-Ray Base Rendering 以上是由V-Ray 直接渲染的基础图片。我增加了几个点光源来照亮建筑室内以及一些 外立面。最终的渲染分辨率达6000px X 3333px。这个分辨率高于我以往的渲染设置,这是 因为我希望尽可能地保留建筑的细节,尽管在这个图片中建筑非常小。 Above is the base rendering straight out of V-Ray. I dropped in a few omni lights to light up the interior and highlight some of the exterior facades. The final rendering had a resolution of 6,000px X 3,333px. The resolution is a little higher than I normally render because I wanted to maintain as much detail as I could with the architecture being so small in the image.


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