折叠方式的房屋 Alphaville-专筑iarch.doc

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折叠方式的房屋 Alphaville-专筑iarch

折叠方式的房屋/ Alphaville 折叠方式的房屋/ Alphaville 关键词:专筑网,专筑文化、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频 标签:视频, 居住建筑, 日本新建筑, 纪录片, 住宅, 小住宅, 住宅设计, 建筑设计, 建筑设 计师 alphaville: house folded 由专筑网刘庆新编译 日本京都当地事务所 alphaville 给我们展示了“house folded?”的图,这是为一对夫妇和他们 的猫在大阪设计的住宅。通过创建明显的独立空间打破单调的空间体验,设计的折叠隔墙形成了 空间感和流线的影响。 kyoto-based architecture practice alphaville (kentaro takeguchi, asako yamamoto) has sent us images of ?house folded?, a three-storey residence for a couple in osaka, japan. exploring methods of creating distinct and individual rooms that break away from a monotonous spatial experience, the design pleats the dividing walls to form optimal and dynamic volumes of space. 该建筑位于一块 80 平米的狭小地块上,水泥墙结构打破了建筑的尖角立面,形成不对称的 倾斜立面。东西立面上有一个切口,将光线引入室内,巨大的落地窗给人带来一种室外效果的体 验。一个遮蔽的车库只能容下一辆车,而且车库的开口也是呈不规则形状。 standing on a slim site measuring 80 m2, the concrete structure translates its angular character to its facade, featuring asymmetrical slices in its facade. both the east and west facade is defined by a triangular slit that introduces light into the interior while providing an outdoor-space-like effect through a system of floor-to-ceiling glazing. a sheltered parking space for a single car is also created by excising an irregular opening from the street. 空间的轮廓利用泰森多边形的分解技术,平均分配各点之间的最短距离,创建最理想的空间 划分。这个过程需要充分利用 3D 模型,建筑师的思路是用平行四边形围成建筑物的边界,中轴 立起一堵墙简单隔出空间,利用对角线、平行线折叠帮助形成具体空间,完成第一层到第三层的 划分。结构上的流线形设计合理。斜墙帮助形成三角窗,这座建筑只有一个位于顶楼的卧室。卧 室通向隐蔽的屋顶天台。 the delineation of space utilizes the decomposition techniques of a voronoi diagram, equally dividing the shortest distance between points to create optimal spatial segments. the process, which required the full use of a 3D model, started from a parallelogram with a center wall that runs diagonally to define two spaces. this partition was then pivoted to run parallel to the site as it continued to the third level. the roof was pulled up to form a slant and a private outdoor terrace. structurally rational and dynamic, the result is a collection of flowing living spaces that seemingly shif


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