指针推拉力计 中英文版.doc

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指针推拉力计 中英文版

尊敬的用户: 后 续 CONTINUATION 指针式推拉力计 感谢购买本公司生产的指针式推拉力计。在使用本仪器前请详 细阅读这本说明书,以便能正确使用。并请妥善保存说明书和保修 单,以便万一有不了解或故障时,能给您带来帮助。 说明书 本说明书中的资料均以必威体育精装版产品为依据,由于改进或其他变化, 本说明书的记述可能与实际情况稍有出入,我公司将保留随时修改 的权利,修改之处恕难一一相告。 Dear User: Were indebted for your patronage to purchase this series handy push pull gauge. Before using the instrument, please carefully read the manual to use it rightly. Please keep the manual and the warranty well to give you help when you cant learn it or there is something wrong with it. Data of the manual is equally had newest product as evidence, be- cause of improvement or other change, description of manual may differ from practical situation. Our company will reserve the right corrected at any moment, it is difficult to list the corrected place one by one. 上海高致精密仪器有限公司 NK系列测力计规格参数 ( NK Series Parts Technical Specifications ) 中文……6 ENGLISH ……9 本测力计是小型便携式的拉力、压力测量仪器,具有高精度、 易操作、可同时显示牛顿和公斤单位、携带方便之优点,而且有 一个可作荷重峰值 ( PEAK ) 测量及连续荷重值 ( TRACK ) 测量切 换使用的切换旋钮 ( PEAK / TRACK 钮) 。使用本仪器前请先详细 阅读此说明书,以便充分运用本仪器所具有的功能,使测量时能 得到准确的数值。本说明书适用NK、NLB、ALB等系列产品。 The NK、NLB、ALB series are analog force gauge with compact size and high accuracy. They are easy to operate.the scales provide both Newton graduations and kgf.handy to carry out. Single Click on a knob on the device will convert the movement of the indication needle from the peak force indication to .the tracking indication. Before using the instrument. Please particular read the manual to make gauge have a accurate gauged value. -1- NLB系列测力计规格参数( NLB Series Parts Technical Specifications ) ALB系列测力计规格参数 ( ALB Series Parts Technical Specifications ) -2- -3- 结构名称 ( Parts Appellation ) 随机附件明细表 (Table of appendix) 型号Model NK-10 NK-20 NK-30 NK-50 NK-100 NK-200 NK-300 NK-500 名称 Name NLB-10 ALB-2 NLB-20 ALB-4 NLB-30 NLB-50 ALB-10 NLB-100 ALB-20 NLB-200 ALB-40 NLB-300 NLB-500 ALB-100 LLUP 压缩用夹具 push clamp 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 拉伸用夹具 pull clamp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 刻度盘 加长杆 Added pole 使用说明书 Users manual 1 1


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