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OH1.2 CNG 安装及布置要求规范 Rev-02 安装及布置要求规范 Application Requirements for System OH1.2 CNG 伍德沃德控制器有限公司 2006 年 4 月 1 OH1.2 CNG 安装及布置要求规范 Rev-02 一、 线束 Wiring harness 1. 关于图纸的中特殊说明Requirements from wiring diagram : 1) 主机厂应该对系统线束的质量及布置进行有效的设计及控制;OEM has engineering control of the engine and ignition wiring harness. 2) 导线的材料需遵循 SAE-J1292,J1128,J2202 中的标准;Material of wiring should be followed SAE-J1292, J1128, J2202 recommendations. 3) 系统动力接地和数字/模拟接地应分开接到电池负极;Proper sized ground wires and separation of analog/digital grounds separate from power grounds. 4) ECM 针脚 X3 和 W3 必须常通电以保持 ECM 的记忆功能,只有在紧急情况下或车辆维 修时而不得不断开的情况下,才能断开这两个针脚的电源。ECM pins X3 and W3 require battery power all the time for keep alive memory. Any devices that remove power from these pins should only be activated during service of the vehicle or in emergency. 5) ECM 到点火模块的线束、转速传感器线束以及氧传感器信号线应包以铝质屏蔽层, 屏蔽层的末端应尽量接近 ECM,同时需接到电池负极;Use a shielded aluminum cable to protect the spark index, spark trigger, spark return, cam and/or crank signals, and vehicle speed signals. Connect the drain at one location preferably near the ECM, and ties these to the power ground. 6) 所有未使用的接插件的孔需堵以防水塞;Install plugs in all unused cavities of connectors. 7) 诊断线必须使用双绞线,以减少电磁干扰;Diagnostic wires should be twisted to reduce the electromagnetic coupling. 8) 按图纸要求使用合适的保险丝及继电器;Proper sized fusing should be employed as denoted on the Woodward harness drawing. 9) 有空调的车辆上,空调信号开关需安装。InstallA/C switch should be included. 2. 系统接地 System grounding 1) ECM、ICM 及系统数字、模拟地需接至同一接地点,如发动机、底盘,强烈建议直 接接到电池负极;Proper ECM and ICM case grounding to same point, just like chassis or engine. It’s strong suggested to grounding battery


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