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M 词汇检测 一.单词 英汉互译 mechanic magic magnificent magical maid maintain manageress manual maple marble marvelous mass mess mat mature maximum minimum meantime meanwhile mechanics media medium melon memorial merciful merely merry mess messy microcomputer microscope microwave mild mine mineral minister minor minus plus multiply miserable leading misleading missile mist mop moreover motivate motor mourn mustache muddy muscle myth mutton mutual 杂志 大多数\少数 经理 三月 游行 材料,原料 措施 奖牌 金属 记忆力 商人 中秋 百万富翁 误会,误解 混合物 谦虚的 纪念碑 博物馆 短语 英汉互译 go mad with joy be wild with joy major in 作出决定 make it make out 和解,编造 弥补 the Long March full marks meet one’s match 实际上,事实上 be meant to be meant for by no means 采取措施做... 根据某人的尺寸做... 作为对.....的纪念 同情,怜悯 make a mess read one’s mind military training bear\keep sth. in mind 下决心 miss out leave out clear up misunderstanding mixed doubles to realize the four modernizations a modest price for the moment in a moment 筹款 a heart monitor by the month a man of moods moral standards once more no more than make the most of Mother’s Day dance to the music 句子 英译汉 1. He is mad about football. 2. He went mad when he heard of the news. 3. Magnificent costumes were made and musical bands created. 4. Every day I would check my mailbox, looing forward to my mummy’s airmail letter. 5. Taiwan is separated from Mainland China by only about 100 miles. 6. You are mainly responsible for the trouble. 7. We should maintain our friendly relations with outher countries. 8. She tried to make herself understood while giving talk. 9. I can’ t make out what the article says. 10. Man has caused much damage to the environment. 11. You need to learn to manage your time more effectively. 12. When you get your paper back, pay special attention to what have been marked. 13. No matter what happens, you’re going to have a marvelous time. 14. He struck a match and lit his cigarette. 15. You can’t match him in knowledge of computer. 16. Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. 17.


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