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简易木工车床设计 作 者 姓 名 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导教师姓名 专业技术职务 摘 要 木工车床,它由床身、安装在床身的导轨尾部的尾座、安装在床身 的导轨中部的刀架、安装在床身头部的床头箱、安装在床头箱上的主轴 及其上的卡盘、安装在床头箱上的电机、安装在电机轴和主轴及床头箱 上的变速传动装置所构成,其特征在于所说的变速传动装置由固定在主 轴端部的从动变速三角带轮的固定半轮、套装在主轴上且与固定半轮插 合的从动变速三角带轮的可动半轮、以轴承安装在可动半轮端部的推拉 臂、安装在推拉臂和床头箱之间的压簧、固定在推拉臂上与主轴平行并 可在床头箱的孔中滑动的齿条、与齿条啮合端部穿过床头箱的齿轮轴、 以小轴安装在齿轮轴端部的开口槽中且带有手柄的偏心轮、安装在电机 轴或其连接轴上的主动变速三角带轮的可动半轮和固定半轮、安装在可 动半轮和电机轴或其连接轴端部的挡圈之间的压簧以及安装在主动和 从动变速三角带轮上的三角皮带所构成。 [1] 用木工车刀加工木料旋转 表面或复杂外形面的木工机床。木工车床分为普通木工车床、仿形木工 车床和圆棒机等。 普通木工车床 工件装夹在卡盘内,或支承在主轴及尾架两顶尖之 间作旋转运动( [普通木工车床])。车刀装在刀架上,由溜板箱带动 作纵向或横向进给运动,也可手持车刀靠在托架上进给。普通木工车床 用于车外圆、车端面(见车削)、切槽和镗孔(见镗削)等加工。 ABSTRACT The NC machine plays a very great role in mechanical engineering.Although the investment needs a great deal of money,it is a good way to try digital modification for ordinary lathe.The spindle speed of CA6140 remains the manual function of shifting gears.The alteration is easy and it can reduce labor intensity and improve productive efficiency. but the NC Machine larger one-time investment, NC machine tools for the transformation of a good after all. The design of the device using NC Lathe CA6140 control, part of the main transmission system using AC spindle motor and graded by the pulley driven spindle gearbox, through the inverter and gearbox to achieve sub? Feed System used by stepper motor driven ball screw slowdown after campaign vertical feed system through a gear after the ball screw drive, in the horizontal feed system through two gear-driven ball screw? Tool to automatically transfer tool carrier (4-position), thus achieving automatic tool change? by MCS-51 series 8051 data to be dealt with. from the I / O interface stepper pulse output signal to control the feed rate and itineraries? In order to maintain the function of cutting thread, to the outer end of spindle or other appropriate location loaded pulse generator? Lathe will be transformed into Tailstock manually controlled electric Tailstock. The design of the NC transformation of the economy - the applic


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