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总经理 general manager/ managing director 助理 assistant 文书 office clerk 部长、主任、主管、经理 manager/ head 设计员 designer/ engineer 会计 accountant 实习生(试用人员) intern/ probationer 律师 lawyer 人力资源 HR 试验员/检验员 inspector Im responsible for... challenging a. 有挑战性的 REVIEW 加班 to work overtime 满意,满足 be satisfied with / satisfy with 加薪 salary raise 经济衰退不景气 recession 放弃,不干了,撂挑子 quit 中途休息,间歇 to have a break 奖金 bonus 按时 on time paperwork 文书工作 cubicle 箱子,室,小间,隔间 换流变 converter transformer 牵引变 traction transformer 非晶合金铁芯变压器 amophous transformer TALKING ABOUT TRANSPORTATION 聊交通出行 Background The rise and fall of the number of passangers travelling by different means of transportation indicates the rapid development of society. Moreover, a full use of modern means of transportation may meet the rapid rhythm of peoples life , which is indicated by the fact that plane passengers are increasing and train passenger are decreasing. 乘坐不同交通工具出行人数的波动变化表明了社会的快速发展。充分利用交通工具可以满足人们生活的快节奏,事实表明乘飞机的人数在增加,乘火车的人数在减少。 rise and fall 起起伏伏,兴衰,涨落 means n. 方式,方法,手段,工具 rapid a. 快速的,迅速的 rhythm n. 节奏,韵律 TALKING ABOUT TRANSPORTATION TALKING ABOUT TRANSPORTATION 中转联程 connecting flight passanger 乘客 经济舱 /一等舱 /商务舱 economy/ first/business class window seat / aisle seat 靠窗座位 / 靠过道座位 后座 backseat take off v.起飞 taking off land / touch down v.着落 arrive / depart 出发 / 到达 taxi v.滑行 taxiing get on board 登机 stow your tray table 收起您的小桌板 fasten your safty belt 系紧安全带 Welcome aboard! 欢迎登机 机场 air plane / air craft 飞机 arrival 到达 departure 出发 flight no. 航班号 ticket 机票 boarding pass 登机牌 gate 登机口 customs 海关 security check 安检 luggage 行李 air hostess 空姐 flight attendant 空乘 转机 transfer 车站 终点站 terminal 轻轨 light railway 地铁 subway / metro (火车)进站 pull in 末班车 last train 站台 platform shuttle bus 城际公交车 通勤车 commuter bus 火车车厢 carriage 乘务员 train attendant 候车室 waiting room 有轨电车 railway car 车库 garage TALKING ABOUT TRANSPORTATION 一等座 first class seat 商务座 business class seat 硬座 ordinary seat


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