欧洲文化介绍-Industrialization of europe.ppt

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欧洲文化介绍-Industrialization of europe

Influences of Darwin Created the theory of evolution Continued idea to explain things without looking at the supernatural Ideas of the survival of the fittest supported “dog eat dog” capitalism Although Darwin was not racist his ideas were used as a basis of eugenics and other racially based ideas Other Scientific advances Telegraph created my Samuel Morse in 1836 Telephone: A.G.Bell in 1876 Light bulb: Edison in 1879 Diesel gas: Rudolf Diesel in 1892 Gasoline motor: Gottlieb Daimler in 1880s Combustion engine: Karl Benz in 1885 Radio: Marconi in 1890s Flight: Wright brothers in 1903 Philosophy of Industrialization Industrial ideas were spurred on by capitalism Struggle between conservatives and liberals Rise of socialism and later Marxism Rise of ideas for and against industrialization Drastically changed old way of life and challenged many ideas Major ideas: Capitalism, socialism/Marx, romanticism, realism Capitalism Influenced by ideas of Adam Smith → idea of free markets Caused a great rise in the Middle class Idea of industrialization will bring wealth to all Exploited by some which caused social problems and rise of the worker based idea of socialism Reaction against caused Marxism and Romanticism Rise of Socialism Mainly a reaction against the abuses they saw in society French thinker Louis Blanc – “The organization of work” in 1840 → nationalization and equity British thinker Robert Owen → created idea of “Owenism” → a humane and equal improvement through industrialization Marxism Developed by German Karl Marx as a reaction against the abuses he saw in society → created a world based on class struggle Wrote the “Communist Manifesto” in 1848 Had a great influence in many world revolutions in the next 100 years Wrote “Das Kapital” in 1867 which was a detailed critical analysis of Capitalism Exploitation and alienation of workers Romanticism and Realism Romanticism: Created as a reaction to the industrial revolution → but not so political → romanticized the


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