高一英语教案:Unit2 Friendship.docx

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高一英语教案:Unit2 Friendship

高一英语教案:Unit2 Friendship Unit 2 Friendship?? 一. 教学内容: Unit 2? Friendship(I) 词汇解析: 1. express (1)vt. ①表达;表示 例句:She expressed her thanks (to us). 她(对我们)表示感谢。 His face expressed his disappointment.他脸上浮现出失望的表情。 I cannot express (to you) how encouraging your letter was. 你的来信多么令人鼓舞,我无法用言语表达。 ??? 常见短语: express oneself 表达自己的意思 例句:He expressed himself clearly in English. 他用英文清楚地表达自己的意思。 ②快运、快递、快汇(信件、货物等) ??? express an urgent letter 以快递寄出紧急信件 (2)adj. 快速的;快递的 an express train快车 ??? an express highway 高速公路 (3)n. 快车 (= express train) ;快递服务,快件服务 the 9:00 p.m. express to Ottawa 下午九点开往渥太华的快车 例句:I sent the parcel by express. 我以快递的形式寄那个包裹。 (4)adv. 快速地;用快递方式地 to sent the parcel express包裹寄快件 例句:He traveled express. 他搭快车去。 词汇拓展: (1)expression n. 表达,说明;表情;措词或短语 例句:They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure. 他们说了许多表示欢迎他的话。 Her expression showed that she was angry. 从她的表情可知道她正在生气。 This expression is against idiom. 这一表达方式不合乎语言习惯。 ??? 常见短语: ①beyond (past) expression adj./adv. 无法形容(表达)的(地) 例句:The bride was lovely beyond expression.? 那新娘美得无法形容。 ②find expression in vt. 表现在…… 例句:Her passion found expression in her painting.? 她的热情表现在她的画中。 (2)expressionless adj. 无表情的;缺乏表情的;呆板的 例句:Their faces remained expressionless as they listened to the bad news. 听到那坏消息时,他们的脸上仍然毫无表情 (3)expressive adj. 表现的,表达……的,有表现力的,富于表情的 an expressive glance 含情脉脉的一瞥 an expressive gesture 意图明确的手势 例句:The actor has an expressive face.? 那个演员的脸表情丰富。 (4)expressively adv. 善于表现地;表情丰富地;意味深长地 2. college n. (1)学院;大学 常见词组: a medical college 医学院? college courses学院课程 college faculty学院教师 college education大学教育 go to college上大学 enter college 进大学 ??? 例句:The college is located next to the airport. 学院在机场旁边。 Their son will start college in January. 他们的儿子将于一月份开始上大学。 (2)协会;社团;学会 the Royal College of Nurses 皇家护士协会 ??? the College of Physicians 医师公会 3. entrance n. (1)[C] 入口,进口 例句:He stood in the entrance of the hospital.他站在医院入口处。 Visitors are asked to go into the museum by the front entrance / entry. 要求观众从前门进入博物馆。 “Excuse me, where is the ent


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