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4 1 5 Vo.l 41 No. 5 2006 10 JOURNAL OF SOUTHW EST JIAOTONG UN IVERSITY Oct. 2006 : 2006) 1 2 1 李映红, 闫海峰, 彭其渊 ( 1. , 610031; 2. , 100081) : . 3. I; II, ; III, . 3 , . I, , . , I , II III. : ; ; ; ; ; : U2 2. 5 : A M anagem ent of Railway Con tainer Transportation in Railway Term inals 1 2 1 LI Yinghong , YAN H afi eng , PENG Qiyuan ( 1. School of Traffic and Transp. , Southw est Jiaotong Un iversity, Chengdu 610031, China; 2. Institute of Transport and E conom y, Ch ina Academ y of Raiwl ay Sciences, Beijing 100081, Ch ina) Abs tract: The transit operation of containers in junction raiwl ay stationsw as analyzed. Three schemes for container transport w ithin a raiwl ay term inalw ere proposed. In schem e I, containers are fed into a junction raiwl ay stations in ordinary container trains. In scheme II, container trains are rem adeup after hau led into a junction station in pickup and drop trains, and the remadeup trains are delivered to a marshalling station in transfer trains. In scheme III, container trains are rem adeup after hau led into a marshalling station in p ickup and drop trains, and then the remadeup trains are delivered in transfer trains to a junction station. A model w as proposed to compare the transportation costs of the three schemes. The resu lt show s that scheme I costs the least, and is themost efficient. But it is d ifficu lt for it to be mi plemented practically in the near future in China. A lternatively, scheme II and III are suggested as transitional schemes at i


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