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35 10 ( ) Vol. 35 No. 10 2007 10 JOURNAL OF T ONGJI UNIVERSIT Y( NATU RAL SCIENCE) Oct. 2007 黄 鹏, 王勇军, 顾 明 ( , 200092) : 65 t- 65 m , 150 . B , . 360 ; , . , . : ; ; : TU 312 : A : 0253- 374X( 2007) 10- 1384- 06 Experimental Research on Mean Wind Loads of a Quayside Container Crane H UAN G Peng, WANG Yongj un, G U M ing ( State Key Laboratory for Disaster Re uction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: T he paper presents a stu y of the mean w in loa s of a quaysi e container crane (w hose largest hoist capacity is 65t an the longest outstretching istance is 65 m) . T he container crane mo el, at a scale of 150, has been teste in T J2 win tunnel of Tongji University , in a uniform flow an a natural win flow over open terrain an un er boom own con ition (w orking state) an boomup con ition ( nonw orking state) . The mean win force coefficients of the main members of the container crane are in the scope of 0 ~ 360 , w hich shows that the most unfavorable irection oes not alw ays appear in the irections of the principal axes. The results can be use as reference for the structural e sign of container cranes an the mo ification of win loa co es. Key words: container crane; w in loa s; w in tunnel test , . 1996 9 9 , , 15 , 16 , . #∃( GB 3811% , . 2003 ! 83) [ 1] 1983 , # ∀ 11 , [2] ∃ , . . , : 2006- 01- 13 : ( ; : ( 1974- ) , , , , . Email: huangtju@ mail. tongji. e u. cn 10 , :


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