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第4 4 卷第3 期 浙 江 工 业 大 学 学 报 V o l.4 4 N a 3 2016 年 6 月 JO U R N A L O F Z H E JIA N G U N IV E R S IT Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y Jun. 2016 基于 Pmsson过程的港口码头集卡预约调度优化 蒋美仙,张 晓 ,冯定忠,蔡启欣,王志意 ( 浙江工业大学机械工程学院,浙 江 杭 州 310014) 摘要:为了缓解集装箱码头闸口和堆场的排队等待问题,在分析集卡到达过程的基础上,提出基于 Poisso 过程的港口码头集卡预约调度模型•根据到港船舶船期表和预作出口集装箱数目,模型对 每艘到港船舶进行了预约时间段和各时间段计划预约集装箱数量分配.针对此模型,设计了基于改 进遗传算法的求解过程,并通过数值实例对模型以及算法的有效性进行了验证.求解结果表明:此 模型能够有效缩短集卡在码头闸口和堆场的排队长度、平衡闸口和堆场的作业量、减少集装箱在堆 场的滞留时间、提高集装箱堆场的资源利用率 . 关键词: Poisso 过程;集卡预约;优化分配 中图分类号:U 169 文献标志码: A 文章编号= 1006-4303(2016)03-0292-08 Study on appointment scheduling model of container port truck based on poisson process JIANG Meixia , ZHANG Xiao , FENG Dingzhong , CAI Qixi , WANG Zhiyi (Co ege of Mechanica Engineering% Zhejiang University of Technology% Hangzhou 310014% China ) A b s tr a c t : a se d o the analysis of the arrival process of the container trucks to the terminal gate , a op ti miza t i o model for ruckt appoint me t was developed t o allevia t e t he queuing problem i the terminal gate and container yard . According to the shipping schedule and the number of the export containers % t he model dis tribu t es t he booking period for each ship and t he number of co t ainers pla t o book i each period . To solve t he model , a met hod based o improved genet i c algor it hm (GA ) was designed . Andnumerical experim entswereprovided to illustrate thevalidity of them odel and the algorithm . Results indicated that proposedmodel caneffectively reduce the queue length of container trucks i the terminal gate and container yard , balance the gate assignment a nd y


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