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主要优点: 1. 优先发展学生的听力 2. 听力训练和身体动作相结合;说的练习适当推迟 3. 用归纳法教语法 4. 教师要耐心、宽容,允许学生犯语言错误 5. 教师要成为导演,想方设法最大限度地增加学生接触 语言的机会 6. 学生要成为演员,注意观察,依令而行 7. 可根据学生的反应及时调整练习的节奏 * * 小学英语教学起始阶段,听做领先(TPR) Watch and listen Listen and number Look and act * * Basic principles of TPR Comprehensible( understandable) input Languages are best learned when the learner receives lots of comprehensible (understandable) input. Silent period---Delayed production in which they learn to understand and respond to parts of the language without attempting to speak it. * * 主要缺点: 1、强调听说,但对于如何培养读写能力的问题考虑欠少 2、以句子为教学的基本单位,重视培养听指令做动作和说 单句的能力,但对于作为交际活动的重要形式—对话, 有所忽视,不利于培养交际能力 3、理论上缺乏一定的新意和深度,可以称为一种教学 技巧,如和其他方法配合运用会更好 * * Watch and listen Listen and number Listen and say Look and act Listen and chant Look and talk Ask and answer * * VARIATIONS OF TPR: TPR-B, TPR-O, TPR-P 1.TPR-B for TPR with body includes everything that can be done with general body movement: stand up, sit down, turn around, turn right, turn left, lift up your arm, etc. This is best done in a room with some space to move around. * * 2. TPR-O stands for TPR with objects. This is best done sitting a table that has some objects on it. 3. TPR-P stands for TPR with pictures”. The actual physical response with pictures is fairly basic--pointing at something--but the opportunity for vocabulary acquisition is as broad as the types of pictures you can use. * * 2. Task-based language teaching What is a task-based language course? A course designed to teach learners how to do things with language in the real world outside the classroom. * * 小学英语教学二级要求 1.听 能在图片、手势的帮助下,听懂语速较慢但语调自然的 话语或录音材料 能听懂简单的配图小故事 能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问 能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当的反应 Show your appropriate reactions to what students say. * * example T So, have you seen “The Sound of Music”? S1 Yes, but only on television. T And what about you? S2 No, I don’t like musicals. T Oh, don’t you? Have you seen it, S3


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