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The eagle has the longest life-span of its’ species okay In its’ 40’s Its’ long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serve as food Its’ long and sharp beak becomes bent Its’ old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its’ chest and make it difficult to fly okay The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountain top and sit on its’ nest There the eagle knocks its’ beak against a rock until it plucks it out After plucking it out, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its’ talons When its’ new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its’ old-aged feathers And after five months, the eagle takes its’ famous renewal flight and lives for …. 30 more years Why is renewal needed? Many times, we have to retreat for awhile and start a renewal process To continue taking successful flights, we sometimes need to get rid of memories, habits and other past traditions Only freed from past burdens, can we take advantage of the valuable outcomes from a … RENEWAL The story of the eagle… The eagle has the longest life-span of its’ species But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard decision It can live up to 70 years Its’ long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food In its’ 40’s Its’ long and sharp beak becomes bent Its’ old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its’ chest and make it difficult to fly Then, the eagle is left with only two options: die or go through a painful process of change which lasts 150 days. The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountain top and sit on its’ nest There the eagle knocks its’ beak against a rock until it plucks it out After plucking it out, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its’ talons When its’ new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its’ old-aged feathers 30 more years And after five months, the eagle takes its’ famous flight of rebirth and lives
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