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糯米素烧鹅 Main material:pea、 mushroom、glutinous rice(糯米)、bean curd(豆腐皮) The Most Famous Zhe Dishes: 龙井虾仁(lóng jǐng xiā rén)·Longjing shrimp 冰糖甲鱼 :Steamed Turtle in Crystal Sugar Soup Nutrients: Vitamin A(维生素A)、carotene(胡萝卜素)、thiamine(硫胺素)、riboflavin(核黄素)、niacin(尼克酸)、Vitamin C(维生素C)、 Calcium(钙), phosphorus(磷), sodium(钠), magnesium(镁), iron(铁), zinc(锌), selenium(硒), copper(铜), manganese(锰), folic acid(叶酸), cholesterol(胆固醇) Function:enrich the blood build up resistance、make your nutrition balanced. 西湖醋鱼 Xihu Sour Fish 东坡肉Dongpo pock Dong-po-rou (Dongpo Pork), which must be eaten when you are in Hangzhou. 湘菜· xiang Cuisine 湘菜· xiang Cuisine Xiang cuisine is very popular because of its spicy and oily flavor. Most of the ingredients are thoroughly stewed to absorb the delicious and hot sauce completely. Smoked and preserved chicken and pork are also very unique in Xiang Cuisine. Typical Flavors: salty, spicy Hunan cuisine Hunan cuisine consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau. It characterizes itself by thick and pungent flavor. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division. Hunan dishes are so cooked because of the humid weather here, which makes it difficult for the human body to eliminate moisture. The local people eat hot peppers to help remove dampness to keep health.? Peppery and hot chicken辣炒鸡丁 剁椒鱼头 duojiaoyut 口味虾 kouweixia The Most Famous Xiang Dishes: 红烧肉(hóng shāo roù)·Mao’s Braised Pork 臭豆腐 chou4dou4fu strong-smelling preseverd bean curd 其他中国特色食物 Other Typical Chinese Food 烤鸭(kǎo yā)·Peking roast Duck Other Typical Chinese Food 饺子(jiǎo zi)·Dumpling Other Typical Chinese Food 包子(bāo zi)·Stuffed Bun Other Typical Chinese Food 春卷(chūn juǎn)·Spring Rolls Other Typical Chinese Food 油条(yoú tiáo)·Twisted Cruller Other Typical Chinese Food Other Typical Chinese Food 元宵(yuán xiāo) / 汤圆(tāng yuán) Yuanxiao/Tangyuan (glutinous ri


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