Portable Grinder Safety-安全使用手持式砂轮机Portable+Grinder+Safety-Chinese+and+English1.ppt

Portable Grinder Safety-安全使用手持式砂轮机Portable+Grinder+Safety-Chinese+and+English1.ppt

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Jan 2006 DOW RESTRICTED - For internal use only Portable Grinder Safety 安全使用手持式砂轮机 Background 背景 手持式砂轮机广泛使用于建造场地和车间,以去除多余的焊肉、铁锈等。由于多数砂轮机是手持式工具,工作质量的好坏和安全取决于操作人员的能力和经验。The portable grinder is used in the field or maintenance shop to grind excess metal from welds, remove rust, and for special finishing operations. Since this tool is hand operated, the quality of the work depends upon the ability and experience of the operator … as does safe job completion. Background, continued 背景(续) 又由于砂轮机是一种常用工具,致使作业中存在的风险经常被忽视Since the grinder is such a common tool (you will find one or more on almost every maintenance or construction job) the risks involved with them may tend to be taken for granted What are the Common Hazards of Portable Grinder Use?使用砂轮机时主要风险是什么? 高速飞溅的颗粒,飞轮的转速可能大于1600米/分钟High speed flying particles … a grinding wheel’s speed can be greater than a mile a minute from the grinding wheel itself 飞轮 from the work piece being ground被打磨的物体 Inhaling dust and fumes generated 吸入打磨产生的粉尘 Explosion or fire 爆炸或火灾 if sparks ignite flammable or combustible materials nearby or below grinding operation如果打磨产生的火花点燃附近的可燃物 Electric shock from frayed or defective power cord由于电线老化导致触电 Noise噪声 Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) from骨胳与肌肉的功能紊乱 repetitive use长期重复使用 awkward body positions不舒服的工作姿势 Common Injuries Due to Grinders/Grinding Activities打磨和砂轮机作业可导致的伤害 Cuts外伤 Strains疲劳 Particles in the eye异物进入眼睛 Common Causes of Grinding Incidents造成打磨作业事故的主要原因 Using the wrong wheel 使用不配套的砂轮 for the job or grinder相对打磨作业或砂轮机 Improper mounting 不正确安装 of wheel or guard砂轮或防护罩 Careless handling注意力不集中 Repetitive motion重复性动作 Improper PPE use不正确使用个人防护用品 Improper use of grinder不正确使用砂轮机 Critical Grinder Wheel Safety Issues砂轮片的安全注意事项 Some Grinding wheels can be surprisingly delicate. They can be easily damaged if handled carelessly.一些砂轮片是非常脆弱的,如果不正确使用极易损坏 Store new wheels carefully in a dry area close to the grinding operation. 新砂轮片应保存于靠近打磨作业场所的干燥的环境中 When you have to carry one, do it very carefully.运送


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