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汉语成语英译汉语成语英译汉语成语英译汉语成语英译 好人好事 good people and noble deeds 层出不穷 continue to appear 深居简出 lead an isolated life 劳逸结合 combine business with pleasure 不胜感激 be grateful beyond expression 鞭长莫及 beyond one’s reach 一箭之遥 be within a stone’s throw 日新月异 change with each passing day 每况愈下 go from bad to worse 三言两语 in a few words 错失良机 miss the golden chance 固执己见 stick to one’s own opinion 引人入胜 so attractive 爱不释手 can’t stand leaving it aside can’t stand putting it down 忙忙碌碌 be as busy as a bee 易如反掌 be as easy as ABC 全力以赴 go all out 对。。。了如指掌 have sth. at one’s fingertips 捷足先登 The early bird catches the worm. 浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled waters 蒙在鼓里 be in ignorance of sth. 双目失明 be blind in both eyes 同甘共苦 share joys and hardships 无愧于心 have a clear conscience 无忧无虑 free from anxiety 公事公办 business is business 成败关键之时 the crucial moment of success or failure 源源不断的音乐 a constant flow of music 利用某人年幼无知 take advantage of one’s youth and ignorance 竭尽全力 do everything possible 不顾个人安危 with no thought for one’s own safety 淡薄名利 take little notice of the honors 寓教于乐 combine education with recreation 理论联系实际 combine theory with practice 因人而异 depend on the individual 势均力敌的比赛 a close match 尽管困难重重 in spite of the difficulties 卧病在床 be sick in bed 乐于助人 be ready to help others 略知一二 get a rough idea of sth. 勤能补拙 hardwork can make up for a lack of intelligence 衣衫褴褛 be poorly-dressed 使人一头雾水 confuse sb. 使人热泪盈眶 bring tears to sb. 尽收眼底 sth. be within sight 一时语塞 sb. be at a loss for words 半途而废 give up halfway 连绵不断的战火 constant wars 一臂之力 lend sb a helping hand 一点一滴 every little bit 一刻千金 every minute is precious 一目了然 be clear at a glance 一视同仁 treat sb equally 一无所知 know nothing about 一心一意 heart and soul 三番五次 again and again, repeatedly 三三两两 in twos and threes 三心二意 be of two minds 四面八方 (from ) all directions 四通八达 extend in all directions 五颜六色 colouful, of various colours 十全十美 be perfect in every way 不厌其烦 take great pains


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