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4 5 Vol. 4 No . 5 2007 9 Chinese Journ l of M n gement Sep. 2007 李东进 杨 凯 周荣海 ( 南开大学商学院) : 探究了感知价值、顾客满意、转移成本 消费时间间隔4 个因素对重复购买意向的 影响。结果发现感知价值、顾客满意、转移成本对重复购买意向有正相关关系, 而消费时间间隔 对重复购买意向并无显著的影响关系。同时, 感知价值与顾客满意之间存在正向的影响关系, 转移成本与顾客满意之间并不存在显著的影响关系。 : ; ; ; ; : C93 : A : 1672-884X( 2007) 05-0654-06 An Empirical Study of Consumer Repurchase Intension and its Factors LI DongjinYANG K iZHOU Rongh i ( , , ) N nk i U niversity T i njing Chin Abstract: T his p per explores the r el tions betw een perceived v lue, customer s tisf ction, sw itching costs, purch se interv l nd repurch se intention by using SEM . We find th t : the customer s per ceived v lue h s positive effect on the customer s tisf ction nd repurch se inten- tions; customer s tisf ction effects positively on the r epur ch se intentions nd h s no signific nt influ- ence on the purch se interv l; sw itching costs h ve positive effect on the repurch se intentions w hich h s no signific nt rel tionship w ith the pur ch se interv l . : ; ; ; ; Key words repurch se intention perceived v lue customer s tisf ction sw itching costs pur- ch se interv l , , , LENZ [ 1] , , , 5 , , , , 2 , [ 2] , , , 2 , , , 6 [ 3] ( CRM) , 1 理论背景 , : 2006- 10- 30 : ( 654


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