物联网行业发展研究 3.doc

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物联网行业发展研究 3

物联网行业发展分析 摘要 目前全世界已经开始重视物联网的建设和大量的技术开发的应用工作,使得物联网产业已成为重要的推动世界经济增长的新兴产业。物联网产业是中国应对当前国际经济危机的重要举措,也是构建现代产业体系,提升产业核心竞争力的必然选择,实现经济社会的可持续发展,我国政府已经将物联网纳入的六大战略性新兴产业,标志着物联网产业已提升到国家战略层面。从现在到2020年,中国物联网产业将经历创新,技术创新和服务创新三个阶段的应用,成长为一个超过5万亿规模的庞大产业。 在今天的网络热潮中,探讨行业和商业模式发展,成为非常重要问题,并需要找到推动产业发展的关键应用,因此在物联网产业链中,电信运营商和移动通信终端的重要位置面对设备制造商的发展机遇和问题是值得进一步研究。但在这个阶段,他们独自引领产业链有较大的难度,研究表明,业务运营商定制的拉链将是有效的方式,对这两个行业研究的发展,具有优势发展的特色。 关键字:物联网;商业模式;电信运营商;移动终端商 Abstract Currently the world has begun to attach importance to the construction of things and a lot of technical work to develop applications, making the networking industry has become an important driving world economic growth in emerging industries. Networking industry is Chinas response to the current international economic crisis important measure is to build a modern industrial system, to enhance the core competitiveness of industrial inevitable choice to achieve sustainable economic and social development, the Chinese government has things into six strategic emerging industries , marking the networking industry has been elevated to the national strategic level. From now to 2020, China will experience the networking industry innovation, technological innovation and service innovation applied in three stages, the growth of a large scale over 5 trillion industry. In todays Internet boom, discuss industry and business model development, and become a very important issue and needs to find critical applications to promote industrial development, so the networking industry chain, an important position in telecom operators and mobile communication terminal equipment face manufacturers development opportunities and issues are worthy of further study. But at this stage, they alone lead the industry chain have a greater degree of difficulty, research shows that business operators to customize the zipper will be effective manner, the development of these two industries studied, has the advantage of developing characteristics. Keyboard:internet


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