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3.The Choice shows these talents hard at work. Brezinski takes readers on a tour d’horizon of U.S. foreign policy, discusses the inevitable contradictions and tensions that enmesh a democratic society that is also a global hegemony, criticizes the Bush administration, and articulates his own vision of the way forward — all in a little over 200 pages. 【译文】《选择》一书让读者看到了作者的卓越才智。布热津斯基高屋建瓴,带领读者巡视美国外交政策的历程,他讨论一个民主社会成为全球霸权后不可避免的矛盾与冲突,他批评布什政府并指出前进的方向,而所有这一切全包括在这本200多页的书中。 课堂互动4: 翻译下列句子, 注意内涵寓意(参考译文) Even those who do not accept Brzezinski’s critique of the Bush administration will admire the sagacity of his views; for Democrats attempting to assemble a serious and thoughtful alternative to Bush’s foreign policy, The Choice is indispensable. 【续】 即便你对他批评布什政府的观点 不敢苟同,却还是会赞叹他的远见卓识。民主党人若试图要整合出一套严肃缜密的外交政策与布什较量,那么他们就该读读《选择》这本书。 课堂互动4: 翻译下列句子, 注意内涵寓意(参考译文) 4. Arabesque There in the mist, enormous, majestic, silent, and terrible, stood the Great Wall of China. Solitarily, with the indifference of nature herself, it crept up the mountain side and slipped down to the depth of the valley. Menacingly, the grim watch towers, stark and foursquare, at due intervals stood at their posts. 【译文】长城——一幅阿拉伯花饰图案 长城在迷蒙中赫然呈现,巨大雄壮,沉默威严。它是孤独的,爬高山下深谷,像大自然那样与世无涉,踽踽独行。它是森严的,每隔相当距离就挺立着一座瞭望塔,冷峻强固,严阵以待。 课堂互动4: 翻译下列句子, 注意内涵寓意(参考译文) Ruthlessly, for it was built at the cost of a million lives and each one of those great grey stones has been stained with the bloody tears of the captive and the outcast, it forged its dark way through a sea of rugged mountains. 【续】它是冷酷无情的,牺牲百万人的生命才建成,每块灰色大砖石都沾满了离乡背井犹如囚徒的苦工血泪;它坚忍不拔地穿越崇山峻岭,跋涉于未知之途。 课堂互动4: 翻译下列句子, 注意内涵寓意(参考译文) Fearlessly, it went on its endless journey, league upon league to the furthermost regions of Asia, in utter solitude, mysterious like the great empire it guarded. There in the mist, enormous, majestic, silent, and terrible, stood the Great Wall of China. (W. S. Maugham:Arabesque) 【续】它也是无所畏惧的,无尽征途一程一程走下去,奔向亚洲最遥远的地方,茕茕孑立,神秘莫测,犹如它捍卫的大帝国。迷蒙中的长
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