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4. If direct sensitivity tests are performed on the plated material, definitive antibiotic sensitivity results can be obtained within 24 hours in most instances when this information can be critical to the management of the patient. 5.Treatment is by cessation of oral administration of the offending drug so that the normal balance of intestinal flora can be reestablished. 6.The doctor asked the nurse several questions as he examined the patient. 6.医生检查病人时问了护士几个问题。 7.任务虽然很难,他们还是把它完成了。 8.在睡眠时,自主神经系统的功能活动是正常的,但强度要差些。 9.通常是用鸦片制剂来缓解疼痛,但可能需要重复使用。 10.肝脏帮助破坏衰老的红细胞,从这个过程中将铁贮存起来,在需要时把铁释放到红骨髓里,以便将正成红细胞转化为无核红细胞。 2. If the amount of blood in the vessel is sufficient to distend it as is usual in the circulation, the distended walls of the elastic vessels exert a pressure on the contained fluid. If the additional fluid is forced into the vessels, as happen in cardiac systole, the blood could either be forced out of the vessel, or, if the resistance to its forward passage were greater than the pressure required on distended the vessels, the latter would be further distended. This happens in the normal circulation. 病人应该按照医生建议那样,卧床休息。 将水储存数天,可使尾蚴死亡,如同煮沸饮用水起到的效果那样。 人体的每一个系统在某种程度上部分受内分泌系统的调节,正如人体的每一个系统在某种程度上受神经系统调节一样。 11.9小结 本章就医学英文文献中常见的八种状语从句的翻译方法以及各种类型状语从句常用的连词做了详细的介绍说明,希望对大家的医学翻译有所帮助。状语从句作为医学英文文献中使用频率较高的一种从句类型,它的翻译重、难点在于判断状语从句中连词所代表逻辑关系,因此需要大家熟记每一小章前面列举的各种常见连词及其准确意义。在此前提下,大家还要注意汉译的句子要符合汉语的语言习惯,比如前面提到的前置法和后置法的例子等等。 EXERCISES Exercise 1: Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. When toxemia does occur in the multipara, it is usually associated with some predisposing factors, especially hypertensive vascular disease. 2.The patient has been sleeping very well since he took the sedative this morning. 3.This is particular important since both infection and diabetes are difficult to control when occur together. 7. Difficult as the task was, they fulfilled it all the same. 8. During sleeping the functioning of the automatic nervous system is normal, although it is less in


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