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* * Adam Smith was among the first to articulate a version of this perspective Milton Friedman’s classic 1970 New York Times article, “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,” is perhaps best known as an argument for this economic model of the social responsibility of business. Contrary to popular belief, Friedman does not ignore ethical responsibility in his analysis; he merely suggests that decision makers are fulfilling their responsibility if they follow their firm’s self-interest in pursuing profit. Friedman explains that a corporate executive has a responsibility to conduct business in accordance with [his or her employer’s] desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom (emphasis added). * * * Refer to: Reality Check Corporate Philanthropy: How Much Do Corporations Give? Consider Procter Gamble Co., which was harshly criticized by respondents to a survey seeking to rank firms on the basis of their corporate philanthropy. Respondents contended that PG did “absolutely nothing to help” after the September 11 tragedy in New York City. 9 However, in truth, PG provided more than $2.5 million in cash and products, but they simply did not publicize that contribution. The same held true for Honda Motor Co., which donated cash, all-terrain vehicles, and generators for use at the World Trade Center site during the same time period. Perhaps unaware of these efforts, respondents instead believed these companies to lack compassion for their failure to (publicly) support America. * Refer Reality Check Enron as “Most Admired” * * * Refer to: Reality Check The Relativity of Reputations * * 5-* 5-* 第5章 企业的社会责任 伦理决策比你想象得要难得多. . . 企业在作决策时要考虑到对社会的责任,但是社会同样也要承担为这些决策制定标准的责任。 ――阿德里安?卡德伯里爵士(Sir Adrian Cadbury) “社会责任”,意思是指对社会福利的客观、聪明的关心,它会使个人和公司的行为免于遭受到最终有害的活动,并带领人类积极改善现状。


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