
零基础英语-单词 awesome的18个同义词1.doc

零基础英语-单词 awesome的18个同义词1.doc

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零基础英语-单词 awesome的18个同义词1

美联英语提供:单词 awesome的18个同义词(一) 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 /test/xiaobai.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 你是否已经厌倦了awesome的单一表达方式,你想用其他的方式来表达awesome嘛,这里我们将给大家列出18个awesome的同义词。 1. thriven and thro 极好的,卓越的 Thriven here appears to derive from the sense meaning ‘advanced in growth’, but thro is not found– instead it was used in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries to mean ‘stubborn’. Together, as ‘thriven and thro’, they were an epithet used in alliterative poetry to call someone excellent. 这里thriven的含义由‘快速生长’而来,但是并没发现thro从何处演化而来——相反,在14、15、16世纪它意为‘固执的’。‘thriven and thro’放到一起,在头韵诗歌里用来称赞某人是卓越的。 2. gradely 出色的,漂亮的 Although the earliest known sense of gradely probably referred to people and meant ‘ready’or‘prompt’, by 1400 the word could be used to refer to objects – to label them awesome. You might not be understood if you said this in London or Cornwall, but it’s still wide in use in the north of England. 虽然gradely原意指人,意为“准备好的”,“迅速的”,但是到1400年时这个词就用来指物,用来说明某物是极好的。如果你在伦敦或者康沃尔使用这个词,人们可能无法理解你在说什么,但是在英格兰北部,这个词仍然被广泛使用。 3. eximious 优良的,卓越的 Eximious comes from Latin eximius, meaning ‘select, choice, outstanding, exceptional’. And it was common in 17th-century literature as a way of describing someone distinguished. Eximious由拉丁单词eximius演化而来,意为“精选的”、“仔细推敲的”、“杰出的”、“超常的”。Eximious形容某人卓越优秀,在十七世纪的文学中被广泛使用。 4. jelly 优秀的 Around 1560, according to current research – jelly may be related in some way to jolly, although the phonetic change has no parallel. The use is also a little different – describing someone excellent, but with a high opinion of themselves. 1560年左右,根据当时的一个报告,在某种程度上人们把jelly和jolly联系在一起,虽然两者的发音并不相同。但是jelly的用法有一点不同——他指某个人很优秀,但是主观色彩浓厚。 5.topgallant 最高的,最佳的 Originally a nautical noun, relating to the head of the topmast, the adjective later developed from this literal sense to a figurative one, to designate anything lofty or grand. Topgallant原本是一个描述航海的名词,指的是中桅的最高处。其形容词词义后来从其字面意义发展为比喻意义,指某物崇高或者伟大。 6. prestantious 卓越的 From the Latin praestāntia, meaning ‘excellence’, this adjective has the distinction of bei


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