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1 CASHFLOW CASHFLOW SC / SCL Series Note Acceptor SC / SCL Series Note Acceptor Specifications Specifications COPYRIGHT  2004 MARS ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL The information contained here-in is the property of Mars Electronics International and is not to be disclosed or used without the prior written permission of Mars Electronics International. This copyright extends to all the media in which this information may be preserved including magnetic storage, punched card, paper tape, computer printout or visual display. Copyright 2004 MEI Page 1 of 16 Cashflow SC/SCL Series Specifications 252056096 G1 2 Document Change History Revision Date Change Description G1 August 5, 2004 Initial Release Published by: ©, mei 2004 All rights reserved. Mars ®, mei ® and the Mars Electronics International logo are registered trademarks. Except as permitted under the relevant local legislation, no part of this publication may be copied, transmitted, transcribed or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, or translated into any language (natural or computer) without the prior written permission of Mars Electronics International. Mars Electronics reserves the right to change the product specifications at any time. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate, Mars Electronics disclaims any liability for any direct or indirect losses (howsoever caused) arising out of use or reliance on this information. This document does not necessarily imply product availability. Copyright 2004 MEI Page 2 of 16


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