经贸高级翻译与作第七课 课文翻译.ppt

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经贸高级翻译与作第七课 课文翻译

Improvements in economic and social indicators after 1960 have been quite limited, and countries with small governments generally have not fared worse than those with big governments. Real economic growth declined somewhat between 1960 and 1990. Average growth for the preceding 5-year period, however, was higher in countries with small governments in both periods. 1960年后经济和社会指标的改善已相当有限,小政府国家的表现普遍地没有表现的不如大政府国家。1960年至1990年间,(这些国家)真正的经济增长(速度)都是有所下降的。然而,无论是过去的五年内还是之前得时期内,小政府国家经济平均增长率都是高于大政府国家的。 The unemployment rate, the share of the shadow economy, and the number of registered patents suggest that small governments exhibit more regulatory efficiency and have less of an inhibiting effect on the functioning of labor markets, participation in the formal economy, and the innovativeness of the private sector 从失业率,影子经济份额,及注册专利的数量都可以看出小政府国家展现出了更多行之有效的监管效能,并且对劳动力市场的运作,对经济活动的参与,对私营企业的创新活动都减少了抑制(操控) 作用 Social indicators such as income distribution, literacy, secondary school enrollment, life expectancy, and infant mortality improved modestly between 1960 and 1990 in all three country groups. By 1990, differences between country groups were small. Only certain social cohesion indicators, such as the number of prisoners or divorce rates, were less favorable for countries with small governments, mostly on account of unfavorable data for the United States, and income distribution was somewhat more equal in countries with big government than in countries with small government 1960年至1990年间,三个国家组的社会指标:如收入分配,公民文化水平,中学入学率,预期寿命,及婴儿死亡率都略有改善。1990年,国家间的差别很小,只有某些特定涉及社会凝聚力的指标,如犯罪率及离婚率,主要基于对美国不利数据的分析可以看出这些指标是不利于小政府国家的。 同时收入的分配大政府国家要比小政府国家更为公平。 The evidence available, while limited, suggests that small governments did not produce less desirable social indicators than big governments. Furthermore, they have had better economic and regulatory efficiency indicators. 现有的证据虽然有限,但仍能看出小政府国家没有比达政府国家产生出更多的不理想的社会指标。此外,这些小政府有更好的经济和监管效率指标。 Reforming Government 政府改革 Scope for reform


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