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例:通用机械设备的资产原值为2500万元,折旧年限为10年,净残值率为5%。求按平均年限法的年折旧额。 解: 年折旧率= 1-5% 10 =9.5% 年折旧额=2500×9.5%=237.5万元 Declining-balance depreciation accounting It is common for assets to be used for standby or other inferior uses during the final years of their lives. In the Declining-balance depreciation accounting ,a given depreciation rate is applied each year to the remaining book value, that is, to that portion of the cost of an asset that has not already been written off in a previous year. Depreciation rate of Declining-balance depreciation accounting Assume that a rate r is desired that will make the book value at the end of an n-year life exactly equal to an estimated terminal salvage value F. Then: and Attention: 1、It can not be used with zero salvage value. 2、Since the r is a decimal ,it is difficult to compute the Dt. Double-rate Declining-balance depreciation accounting Let r=2/n,which is double the straight-line rate ,that would be allowed for an asset that has an estimated zero salvage value and the given estimated life. The formulas are as follows: It is important to note that the salvage value does not enter into the computation of either the depreciation charge or the book value when using the double-rate declining-balance method . 处理办法: 为满足 规定:应当在固定资产使用后期,当发现某期按双倍余额递减法计算的折旧额小于该期剩余年限按直线法计提的折旧时,改用直线法计提折旧,即将固定资产扣除预计净残值后按剩余年限平均摊销。 实际工作中通常简化为在最后两年采用直线折旧法。 双倍余额递减法 按固定资产账面净值和固定折旧率计算的方法,是 快速折旧法的一种,其年折旧率是直线折旧法的2倍,并在计算折旧率时不考虑预计净残 值率r。 年折旧率 = n 2 ?100% D=固定资产净值?年折旧率 最后两年折旧额 = 固定资产账面净值-预计净残值 2 特点:年折旧率除最后两年外其余均相同,而折旧额均不同。 例:同前,如实行双倍余额递减法,求年折旧额。 解: 年折旧率= 2 10 ×100%=20% 年折旧额每年不同,列表算出: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 残 值合 计 资 产 净 值 年 折 旧 额 2500 500 2000 400 1600 320 1280 256 1024 205 819 164 655 131 524 105 419 147 272 147 125 2375 双倍余额递减法折旧 单位:万元 这种折旧方法,总的计提折旧额还是2375万元,但每年的折旧额是不同的,先多后少。 最后两年的折旧: 419-2500×5% 2 =147万元 年数总和法 --Sum-of-years digits depreciation accounting 以固定资产原值减去预计净残值后的余额为基数,按逐年递减的折旧率进行折旧的方法,也是快速折旧法的一种。 年折旧率rt