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开机图片的制作和替换 Android initlogo - green robot- source image on a running system is /initlogo.rle.bak (and /initlogo.rle symlink) ??? - source image in the project source is device/amlogic/$TARGET_PRODUCT/initlogo*.rle[.bak] ??? - To create a new initlogo.rle: ??????? - Install ImageMagick ????????????????# sudo apt-get install imagemagick ??? ??? - Make sure Android source is built and rgb2565 host tool is built: ????????????????$ ls $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/host/linux-x86/bin/rgb2565 ??? ??? ??? ??? out/host/linux-x86/bin/rgb2565 ??????? - Create an image (logo.png) with dimensions matching your screen (ex: if fb0 is 800x480, image should be 800x480) ??????? - Convert: ??? ??? ??? ??? $ convert -depth 8 logo.png rgb:logo.raw ??????????????? $ rgb2565 -rle logo.raw initlogo.rle ??? - To disable, remove the files /initlogo.rle.bak and /initlogo.rle and their references in /init.rc 使用PS制作一张320*480的图片,保存时选“保存为 Web 所用格式”,然后在弹开的窗口上,“预设”项选择“PNG-24”,保存为android_logo.png 开机动画制作和替换 Android bootanimation - android with a light moving left to right ??? - source is in frameworks/base/cmds/bootanimation ??? - code checks to see if a ZIP file of still images and animation description is available in /data/local/bootanimation.zip or /system/media/bootanimation.zip.? ??? - If this ZIP file is available, it will be played.? If not, the android boot animation will be displayed. ??? - To disable, remove the bootanimation service from /init.rc 升级包的制作 在rootfs下: 1、. ./build/envsetup.sh 2、lunch b01ref-eng 3、cd out/target/product/b01ref 4、mkdir temp/SYSTEM 5、将相关文件拷贝到temp/SYSTEM里面,通常是app、etc、framework 6、../../../../build/tools/releasetools/aml_update_packer temp/ patch.zip Amlogic Confidential - Do Not Copy 晶晨半导体(上海)有限公司 演讲内容 一. 开机图片制作和替换 二. 开机动画制作和替换 三. 升级包制作 Amlogic Confidential - Do Not Copy


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