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第 37卷第 6期 东南大学学报 ( 自然科学版 ) V ol37 No6
2007年 11月 JOURNAL O F SOUTHEAST UN VI ERSITY ( Natural Scie ce Editio ) N ov. 2007
( , 210096)
: 为了提高排水性沥青混合料的强度, 采用马歇尔稳定度评价了 67mm 筛孔 过率空隙
率纤维添加剂以及胶结料对排水性沥青混合料强度的影响, 并采用劈裂强度和抗压强度进一步
评价胶结料类型和目标空隙率对其强度的影响. 研究表明, 沥青的各指标中复数粘度 与排水
性沥青混合料 60 马歇尔稳定度有很好的相关性, 沥青粘韧性与排水性沥青混合料的抗压强度
和劈裂强度有很好的相关性, 降低排水性沥青混合料的目标空隙率可以明显提高其强度性能, 纤
维添加剂及 67mm 筛孔 过率对排水性沥青混合料的强度影响很小.
: 排水性沥青混合料; 强度; 复数粘度; 粘韧性; 目标空隙率
: U 416217 : A : 1001- 0505( 2007)
Factor a alysis o stre gth of porous asphalt m ixture
M aX ia g N i Fujia She He g
( Schoo l o f T ra sportatio , SoutheastU iversity, Na ji g 210096, Chi a)
Abs tract: To mi prove the stre gth of porous asphalt m ixture, the effect of several factors by the
M arshall stability such as passi g rate of 67mm sieve, air vo ids, the additive fiber a d bitum e o
the stre gth of porous asphaltm ixture w ere evaluated. Furtherm ore, compressive stre gth a d cleav
age stre gth w ere tested to evaluate the effect of air void a d bitum e o the stre gth. Resu lts show
thatM arshall stability has good correlatio w ith comp lex viscosity of bitum e , w hile compressive
stre gth a d cleavage stre gth have good correlatio w ith te acity of b itume . D ecreasi g the objec
tive air vo id ca obv iously i crease the stre gth of porous asphalt m ixture, a d add itive fiber a d
passi g rate of 67 mm sieve have little effect o the stre gth of porous asphaltm ixture.
K ey w ord s: porous asphaltm ixture; stre gth; comp lex viscosity; te acity; objective air void