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先污染后治理是发展的必由之路吗? --环境Kuznets曲线及政策释义 50年代,环境污染仅仅被看作职业病的防护问题; 60年代,环境污染和公害被当时的舆论称为是资本主义发展的必然产物; 70年代人类环境大会(1972)后,中国政府开始正视环境问题;1973年第一届全国环境保护工作会议召开;1979年全国环境保护工作会议首次指出“总的看来,目前环境污染还没有控制住,…一些地区污染的程度和造成的危害,与国外六十年代的公害相比,是有过之而不及”,并明确指出“先建设、后治理污染的办法不行,损失大,花钱多,费时长。只顾发展经济,不注意保护环境,自然资源遭破坏,人民健康受损害,发展就不能持续”。 曲格平1984年《中国环境问题及对策》p145:资本主义国家的现代化走的是“先污染,后治理”的道路。我们要争取实现的现代化是社会主义的现代化。这种现代化的根本目的,不是象资本主义国家那样为了攫取最大利润,…,而是为了尽可能满足人民群众日益增长的物质和文化的需求…。 90年代,1992年环发大会,一系列环境保护法律、法规的出台; Studies on The Environmental Kuznets Curves Grossman G. and Krueger, A. (1991):For SO2 and dark matter, they found turning points at $4,000-$5,000 per capita; Shafik and Bandyopadhyay (1992) :air pollutants conform to the EKC hypothesis with turning points at income levels between $3000 and $4000 ; Panayotou (1992, 1993, and 1995) :air pollutants, with turning points at income levels ranging from $3000 to $5000 Cropper and Griffiths (1994):obtained a turning point for deforestation in Africa and Latin America between $4700 and $5400 (In PPP terms). Panayotou(1992): deforestation also conforms to the EKC hypothesis, with a turning point around $1200 per capita; 对EKC的可能解释 消费者对环境质量的需求弹性,导致政策的改变; 产业结构改变: 农业、工业、服务业; 技术进步:资源使用效率的提高;污染治理技术的提高; 污染的治理需要最大回报率,只有污染到一定程度,治理的回报率方能达到最佳; 高收入提高了环境监测的能力,加速社会调整(环境政策的制定)的速度和能力; Household尺度的例子:室内污染;汽车污染气体的排放; Beckerman (1992) puts “The strong correlation between incomes, and the extent to which environmental protection measures are adopted, demonstrates that in the longer run, the surest way to improve your environment is to become rich”. Some (scholars) went as far as claiming that environmental regulation, by reducing economic growth, may actually reduce environmental quality (Barlett 1994). 课堂讨论 一些疑问 At what level of per capita income is the turning point? How much damage would have taken place, and how can they be avoided? Would any ecological thresholds be violated and irreversible damages take place before environmental degradation turns down, and how can they be avo


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