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XH714型立式加工中心X-Y轴进给系统的研究与设计 学 生:XXX,机电与建筑工程学院 指导教师:XXX,机电与建筑工程学院 摘要 进给系统是数控机床重要的组成部分,本文主要围绕着进给系统的设计展开论述。首先对数控机床的概念和国内外发展状况做了简单的介绍,并指出了数控技术的发展方向,接着对本课题基体XH714型立式加工中心进给系统的机械结构做了拆分介绍,对其中的关键元件,包含有滚动直线导轨、伺服电动机、滚珠丝杠螺母副等的一些详细论述,并且结合了课题给出的参数,分别对轴方向和轴方向两个方向作了设计计算和校核计算,选出了应用于本课题的各个传动元件的型号,最后,通过建立进给系统有关的动力学模型和数学模型,对进给系统进行了动态特性的分析,并且得出了增大系统的刚度可以减小误差的结论,进而论述了提高综合刚度的一些措施,在最后归纳了本文的内容做了总结。 关键词 进给伺服系统;滚珠丝杠;交流伺服电机;进给系统计算;动态分析;滚珠丝杠刚度 Abstract Feed system is an important part of CNC machine tool, this paper revolves around the feeding system design. First, have given a brief introduction of the concept and development of CNC machine tools at home and abroad, and pointed out the direction of development of CNC technology, and then on the topic matrix, XH714 Vertical machining center feed system, made a mechanical structure introduction in split, on which the key components including rolling linear guide, servo motor, ball screw pair and also did a detailed discussion, the binding parameters given by the research topic, gave the two directions of the axis a design calculation and checking calculations, elected a model of each transmission components, and finally analyzed the dynamic characteristics of the feeding system through establishing dynamics and mathematical models of feeding system, and gave the conclusion as follows: increased stiffness of the system can reduce the error in the system, and then discusses a number of measures to improve the overall stiffness, in the final summarized the this paper contents and gave a final summarization. Keywords Servo system;Ball screw;AC servo motor;Feeding system calculation;Dynamic analysis;Ball screw stiffness 目 录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 1绪论 5 1.1数控机床概述 5 1.2国内外数控机床发展概况 5 1.3进给伺服系统概述 6 1.4课题来源 6 1.5本文的主要任务 6 2 XH714型立式加工中心的组成 7 2.1概述 7 2.2床身与床身部件 7 2.3工作台及工作台部件 8 3进给系统机械结构的关键元件 9 3.1概述 9 3.2导轨 10 3.3电动机与丝杠的联接 12 3.4传动原件 13 3.5轴承的选用 17 3.6伺服电动机 19 4数控机床的进给传动系统设计计算(X轴) 22 4.1轴方向设计参数 22 4.2进给传动系统的轴向负载计算 23 4.3工作台装配图设计 28 4.4滚珠丝杠螺母副承载能力校核 28 4


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