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II. Some basic concepts in
• 1. Prescriptive vs. descriptive
• 2. Prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive
What is Linguistics? grammar
• 3. Synchronic vs. diachronic
Lecture 1 • 4. Speech and writing
On Modern Linguistics • 5. Langue and parole
• 6. Competence and performance
I. What is Linguistics? 1. Prescriptive vs. descriptive
• 1. The scientific study of language; • If a linguistic study aims to describe and
analyze the language people actually use,
it is said to be descriptive;
• 2. It tries to answer the following questions:
• If the linguistic study aims to lay down
• What is language?
rules for “correct and standard” behavior in
• How does language work?
using language, i.e. to tell people what
they should say and what they should not
say, it is said to be prescriptive.
• Some related questions:
• What do all languages have in common? • Modern linguistics is mo