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第十二章 绿色化学原理与方法 12.1 绿色化学基本概念与原则 The increase of Green House gas concentration is the main cause.. 主因:温室气体浓度增加 Main Green House Gases: CO2, NOx, CH4, Halogenides. Ozone Layer refers to the ensemble of ozone collected in the atmosphere 15-50 km above the surface. Ozone which adsorbs violet rays (295-320 nm) is naturally protective for our earth from the sun and makes our life possible.臭氧吸收紫外线,保护人类生存环境 Halogenides and NOx could destroy the ozone layer.化学排放物破坏臭氧层 Consequences不良后果: Reduction of immunity; Increment of cancer and cataract patient ; Decrease in production and quality on plant. Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Sulfur oxides Hydrocarbons Nitrogen oxides Dust of soil, pollen, coal ash, etc pollute directly the air(粉尘、煤灰、花粉等). The harmful contents of the dusts: Pb, Hg, Cd, Ni and other heavy metals. Oil: exploitable for about 40 years Natural gas: about 60 years Coal: about 220 years ◆ The ideas of sustainable development ◆ The protection of environment is considered as one important component of development.(环保) The equal opportunities to develop for different generations are emphasized. (代际之间机会均等) Appealing to change the traditional manner of production and consumption.(改变传统生产消费方式) Demanding the construction of new criteria for morality and values.(建立新的道德和价值观,改变对自然的态度) ◆绿色化学的战略意义 12.2 绿色化学设计方法与应用 ◆ 绿色化学的目标是从源头消除污染,首先要求目标分子是安全有效的:使用功能功效完善;对人类和环境无害。 ◆设计安全无毒化学品的原理: 从物质的构效关系出发,在分子水平上设计既满足功能需求又对人类和环境无害的化学品。 通过分子设计,改善分子的物理化学性质,包括在环境中的分布、对人和其他生物体的吸收性质、降解代谢残留等,从而减少其有害生物效应和接触途径。 影响物质吸收与渗透的物理化学因素: N 4 3 2 电子等排物(Isostene):具有相同数目的原子、相同数目的 电子及排布方式,因而电荷相同的物质和基团。 电子等排现象(Isosterism) :电子等排物不管其结构是否相 似,都具有相似的物理性质和其它性质。 Although a chemical substance may not be toxic, its storage, transportation or use may require an associated substance that is toxic (e.g., a solvent such as carbon tetrachloride). 辅助物质本身可能无毒性,但在贮运或使用过程中会引发或产生毒性。 How to


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