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汉译英的常见错误 语法方面的错误 汉译英单句翻译中的语法错误主要有:不能准确使用时态或语态、主谓不一致、单复数混淆、可数与不可数名词使用不当、连词、介词等使用不当、拼写错误等。 1.时态错误:谓语动词时态形式选择不当就会造成语法或句法错误。如: 由于国外市场的激烈竞争,各种家电变得越来越便宜。 Due to tough domestic and international competition, various types of electric appliances have been getting cheaper. have been getting cheaper比 have got cheaper更好,因为前者表示出来动作从过去开始一直延续到目前,并将继续下去。 2.语态错误:一些在汉语中用主动语态表达的句子,英语中必须用被动语态。如: 国家没有那么钱,这些问题只能通过收费来解决。 The country does not have that much money , therefore, these problems can only be solved by introduction of fees. 3. 主谓不一致:根据语法规则,动词与真正的主语的数和人称必须一致。如: 老问题解决了, 新问题出现了。 A number of new problems emerges when old ones is solved. A number of new problems emerge when old ones are solved. 4.连词使用不当:在汉译英中,很多英语连词错误是由于受汉语干扰造成的。如: 公司因为起步早,所以发展比别人快。 Because the company starts early, so it develops faster than others. Because the company starts early, it develops faster than others. 或The company starts early, so it develops faster than others. 习题演练 汉译英 1. 如果你想按时到纽约参加会议, 除了坐飞机以外别无选择。 If you want to reach New York in time for the meeting, you have no choice but to go by air. 2. 令我们高兴的是, 他们很快就适应了新的环境。 To our delight, they quickly adapted themselves to the new working environment. 3. 无论何时我们都应牢记工业的发展决不能以牺牲环境为代价。 At no time should we forget that industrial growth can never be bought at the expense of environment. 4. 在日本几乎每个人都知道在地震发生时该怎么办。 In Japan, nearly everybody knows what he should do when the earthquake occurs. 5.这个项目的失败使我们得出结论:我们高估了他的能力。 The failure of the project forced us to conclude that we had overestimated his ability. 6. 最让我感到吃惊的是他的法语说得如此好。 What surprised me most was that he could speech French so well. 7. 马克决定去长途旅行, 以远离这些麻烦。 Mark decided to go on a long trip away from these troubles 8. 虽然病还没有完全康复, 但他着手开始工作了。 Although he hadn’t recovered from his illness, he set out to work. 9. 直到被送到手术室时, 他才明白遵守交通规则的重要性。 He didn’t realize the importance of obeying the traffic rules until he was sent into the operating room. 10.不要让你的皮肤直接暴晒在太阳下,否则,你会患皮肤病。 Don’t have your skin exposed to the


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