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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语task5答案解析(附示范音频) 摘要: 以下是小编为大家整理的托福口语task5答案解析(附示范音频),包括托福口语task5难点分析及解决方法指导,希望对同学们有帮助。 task5没有阅读材料,很多听力基础薄弱的同学很容易懵了,抓不住重点所在,本篇希望结合真题分析 托福 口语考试中Task5的题型特点,整理 托福口语 task5答案的同时提供答案解析,为同学们提供便捷的高效的答题策略,顺利的通过 托福口语考试 。 扫描二维码下载APP→_→托福口语task5答案解析汇总一手掌握 在考试中,Task 5听力部分是两个人的对话,一定是一男一女,一般是同学关系。其结构全部都是:其中一个人,他/她有一个problem。在说完这个problem之后,会给出两个solutions。这两个solutions或者是此人自己提出的解决方案,或者是另一个人给出的建议。在每一个solution之后,有problem的这个人都会对这个solution进行评价。一般来说每一个solution都会有缺点,有的也有优点。考生在速记时需锁定的重点是:1,对话中探讨的问题是什么?2, 两大解决问题的方案是什么?3,两大解决方案各自的利弊是什么? 托福口语task5例题解析 Sample conversation Listen to a conversation between two students. W: Say, Lenny, do you know anyone who wants a cat? M: A cat? No, why? W: Well, this poor little cat showed up outside my apartment one day. He was hungry and cold, so I gave him some cheese, and now he’s still hanging around. My landlord found out and said I have to get rid of it because pets aren’t allowed. M: You shouldn’t be feeding it. If you stop giving it food, it will go away. W: I know, I know, but he’s so hungry. I like the cat, and I want him to have a good home. Actually, I’d like to keep him myself. M: Well, if that’s the case, then you’d better look for another apartment---one that allows pets. W: I hate to do that. My apartment is so close to campus. M: Why don’t you give the cat to your mother? She likes animals. W: My mother already has two cats, so I don’t know---- M: Well, you’d better do something fast, or your landlord will throw you out. Describe the women’s problem and the suggestions the man makes about how to solve it. What do you think the women should do and why? Sample answer The woman gives food to a hungry cat near her apartment, but the cat can’t live there. The woman’s apartment is not allowed for any pets, so he has to do something with pets. The man suggests the woman to find another apartment which allows for pets. But the woman thinks her apartment is close to the campus.


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