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智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思写作TASK2双方讨论题型解析 摘要: 下面小马小编为大家介绍一下雅思写作TASK2双方讨论题型解析的相关内容,本章的内容丰富,题目经典,非常有利于雅思考试成绩的提高,大家在阅读的过程中要仔细总结经验,善于总结,只有这样在雅思考试当中取得好成绩。 Some people think that government should ban dangerous sports. Others, however, believe that people should have the freedom of choosing sporting activities they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2014.8.9) 雅思 写作题目分析: 本题为议论文中典型的双方讨论型题目,论述主体为dangerous sports,话题类别属于政府类,课上我们有总结过类似题目,所以并不陌生。题目中给出两种观点非常明确:有些人认为政府应该禁止人们做有危险的运动(观点A),也有人认为人们应当保有自由选择去做自己喜欢的运动(观点B)。 主体段两段应分别就两种观点进行论述,我们既要考虑政府的义务,以及观点A中绝对词汇ban的出现,也要考虑个人的权利,以及对于不同年龄段的人,对于危险的认知能力不同这一点。同时对于运动的好处是强身健体,放松减压,和任何体育运动都有潜在危险的论证要绝对客观,并且尝试用不同的展开论点的方式去写。 虽然对于双方讨论型题目,在开头段我们无需给出个人观点,但是,在结尾段还是要点明。 雅思写作 主体段范文: People who believe that all kinds of dangerous sports should be prohibited may seriously concern about the probable consequences the dangerous sports might result in, such as injury and death. A convincing case in point is that even the professional athletes are likely to get injured if they are engaged in such physical activities as boxing and wrestling, which would probably bring negative effects to their normal life. But it seems difficult for the government to draw a clear line between the safe and dangerous sports. If sports like football and basketball are banned, there would be a conflict between a significant number of fans and the government. This is largely because those sports gain tremendous popularity worldwide. On the contrary, others hold the view that people should be free to choose whatever sports they prefer, regardless of its danger. It appears reasonable for people to make their own decisions, because adults are rational enough to distinguish whether they are capable of participating in those sports so that they could avoid the detrimental consequences. However, children are so immature and, which means unexpected consequences of participating in dangerous sports still exi



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