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拙政园中部园区视觉分析广州大学建筑与城市规划学院 园林141 侯俊如 1409700033 指导老师 : 陈伟昌 徐瑾摘要:当今的社会经济不断发展,园林建设也随之不断进化发展,中国现今的园林由复古风格到现代风格,各种风格不断出现,却没有形成具有中国特色的现代园林风格和特征,现今多数园林只是表面上的粉黛青瓦,并没有吸收到中国古典园林收放、对比、藏露、借景对景等手法。在这种背景下,本文以苏州拙政园中部园区为例进行初步的视觉分析。本论文以人体工程学视觉机能理论为基础辅以布局、尺度方面空间组织方式 ,对拙政园中西部景区进行初步视觉分析。结果表明:1、通过对以人体工程学对拙政园空间进行的静态分析表明,拙政园在水平方向上以 30°、60°、120°的视角表现景观主题、形成景象构图侧重性和布局的完整性;2、拙政园的空间特征是以水作为整个园林的构图中心,主要以别有洞天,梧竹幽居进行平面分割形成东西向的长景观,通过围墙、廊架、建筑小品、山石、水体、植物分割各种处形成景观形成丰富的视觉感受。拙政园建筑以白墙黛瓦为主,栗木为柱。在视觉上形成了淡雅明快、平淡素净、空幽恬静的中国山水画效果。中文关键词:拙政园 视觉分析 人体视觉机能Visual analysis of the central and western area of Humble Administrators GardenAbstract: todays social and economic development, landscape construction also immediately and continuously evolve, todays garden in China by the retro style to modern style, a variety of styles, but did not form a with Chinese characteristics of the modern landscape style and features today most garden only is surface Zinfandel Qingwa, did not absorb to the retraction of Chinese classical gardens, contrast, hiding and showing, by the king of king and other techniques. In this background, this paper to Suzhou Humble Administrators garden, West Park as an example were preliminary visual analysis.In this paper, based on the theory of human engineering visual function as the basis of the layout, the scale of spatial organization, the central and Western Humble Administrators Garden scenic spot for a preliminary visual analysis,Results show:1, the static analysis to the Humble Administrators garden space with human body engineering show that, Humble Administrators garden in the horizontal direction to 30 degrees, 60 DEG, 120 DEG angle realized clear theme landscape, diversity of picture composition and layout of the whole; vertical to 6 degrees, 18 degrees, 27 degrees of visual create compact scale, the spatial structure of the complete boundary. Through the analysis of the path, dynamic relation with the prospect and the line of sight, clarify on the basis of the H


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