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◇ heavily: adv. 1) in large amounts 大量地 1. He is heavily insured against death. 他给自己投了巨额的人身保险。 2. His business is heavily in debt. 他的公司欠了很多债。 2) to a large degree 很大程度地;高度地 1. heavily wooded, uncultivated, thinly settled areas 森林茂密的、未经开垦的人烟稀少地区 2. His word weighed heavily with the jury. 他的话对陪审团发生重要影响。 3. The area relies heavily on the mines for jobs. 这个地区的就业很大程度上是靠着这些矿。 3) if you do or say sth. heavily, you do it slowly and with a lot of effort, especially because you are sad or bored (尤因伤心或无聊而)行动缓慢地 e.g. “I don’t understand you,” she said heavily. “我不明白你,”她闷闷不乐地说道。 Word family: heavy adj. ◇ albeit: conj. (fml) used for introducing a comment that slightly changes or reduces the effect of a previous remark, like even if it is/although … 尽管;即使 1. Inflation continues to decline, albeit slowly. 通胀持续下降,虽然速度较慢。 2. I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to contact him. 尽管未与他联系上,可是我已尽力而为了。 ◇ agreeable: adj. 1) (fml) pleasant, nice, or satisfactory 令人愉快的;惬意的 I find her a very agreeable woman. 我发现她是位和蔼可亲的女性。 2) [~ to] acceptable or able to be agreed on 可接受的 Would it be agreeable to you to adopt the customary practice that has been used in the Sino-France trade? 我们采用中法贸易中长期使用的惯例,你能接受吗? Antonym: disagreeable ◇ smartly: adv. in a stylish manner 衣着整洁地 1. You must dress smartly for your job interview. 参加工作面试要衣着整洁(得体)。 2. A smartly dressed young man is looking for you at the door. 门口有个衣着整洁(帅气)的年青人在找你。 Word family: smart adj. ◇ upstate: adj. in the northern part of a particular state in the US (美国某州)北部的 Helps arrived for snow-buried upstate New York. 救援部队已经到达了被大雪覆盖的纽约州北部地区。 also adv. We drove 150 miles upstate. 我们向北部开了150英里。 ◇ demeanor: n. [U] (AmE fml) the way you look and behave 风度;举止 1. His demeanor has always been that of a perfect gentleman. 他的举止始终是属于正人君子的模样。 2. Everybody was convinced by your brilliant demeanor in the meeting today! 今天开会时你的风采让大家都折服了! ◇ internship: n. [C, U] (AmE) a job that a student or someone who has recently obtained a degree takes in order to get


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