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Music and the Brain 1、Music surrounds us and we wouldnt have it any other way. An exhilarating orchestral crescendo can bring tears to our eyes and send shivers down our spines. Background swells add emotive punch to movies and TV shows. Organists at ballgames bring us together, cheering, to our feet. Parents croon soothingly to infants. 1、音乐环绕在我们周围,这是音乐唯一的方式。振奋人心的管弦乐的高潮部分会使我们热泪盈眶,精神振奋;背景音乐的推进增加了电影和电视剧的情感色彩;球类比赛中风琴演奏使我们共同起立欢呼;父母的轻唱使婴儿得到安抚。2、And our fondness has deep roots: we have been making music since the dawn of culture. More than 30,000 years ago early humans were already playing bone flutes, percussive instruments and jaw harps ─ and all known societies throughout the world have had music. Indeed, our appreciation appears to be innate. Infants as young as two months will turn toward consonant, or pleasant, sounds and away from dissonant ones. And when a symphony’s denouement gives delicious chills, the same kinds of pleasure centers of the brain light up as they do when eating chocolate or taking cocaine. 2、我们对音乐的喜好根深蒂固:自从文化诞生之日起,我们就开始创造音乐。3万年以前,早起人类就已经吹骨笛、使用打击乐器、吹单簧口琴——世界上所有已知社会都有音乐。的确,我们欣赏音乐的能力似乎是与生俱来的。两个月大的婴儿就会对美妙和谐的声音表现出青睐,而对刺耳的声音则会表现出厌恶。当交响乐的终结曲目给我们带来美妙的快感是,大脑中的快感中枢就会兴奋起来,这种感觉就像我们吃了巧克力或者喝了可卡因一样。3、Therein lies an intriguing biological mystery: Why is music ─ universally beloved and uniquely powerful in its ability to wring emotions ─ so pervasive and important to us? Could its emergence have enhanced human survival somehow, such as by aiding courtship, as Geoffrey F. Miller of the University of New Mexico has proposed? On the other hand, to use the words of Harvard University’s Steven Pinker, is music just “auditory cheesecake”─ a happy accident of evolution that happens to tickle the brain’s fancy? 3、这其中存在着一个有趣的生物之谜:为什么音乐——这一广受人们喜爱并以其独特的魅力牵动人的情感的事物——如此盛行,又对我们如此重要?他的出现是否在某种程度上有助于人类的生存,比如像墨西哥大学的杰弗里F米勒所提出的,它能促进择偶?或者,借用哈佛大学的史蒂芬品克的话,音乐仅仅是“听力奶油蛋糕”,也就是说,它是进化中的偶然事件,不经意却满足了人类的幻想4、Why is music so pervasive and important to us? Neuroscientists don’t yet have the u


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