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第 18 卷 第 10 期 化 学 进 展 Vol. 18 No. 10 2006 年 10 月 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY  Oct. , 2006 一体式可再生燃料电池 宋世栋 张华民  马霄平 张益宁 衣宝廉 ( 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 燃料电池工程中心  大连 116023) 摘  要  一体式可再生燃料电池是可再生燃料电池中最先进的一种 ,它是在同一组件上既可以实现燃 料电池功能又可以实现水电解功能的储能和供电系统 ,具有能量密度高、使用寿命长、使用中无自放电且无 放电深度及电池容量的限制等优点 ,是极有希望在空间、军事及可移动电源领域替代传统二次电池的储能系 统。本文介绍了一体式可再生燃料电池的研究进展 ,并提出了目前亟待解决的问题。 关键词  一体式可再生燃料电池  双效氧电极  空间电源  质子交换膜燃料电池  固体聚合物水电解 技术 ( ) 中图分类号: TM9114 ; O646  文献标识码 : A  文章编号 : 1005281X 2006 Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cells Song Shidong  Zhang Huamin  Ma Xiaoping  Zhang Yining  Yi Baolian (Fuel Cell RD Center , Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Dalian 116023 , China) Abstract  The unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFCs) are the most advanced regenerative fuel cells ( RFCs) , which use reversible PEM cells , where each cell is capable of operating both as a fuel cell and as an electrolysis cell. They are particularly very promising energy storage systems to replace traditional secondary batteries for space application since URFCs have distinctive advantages over secondary batteries in that they are longterm energy storage systems with extreme high specific energy and without permanent losses by self discharge and capacity limit. They are enabling for many weightcritical portable applications such as space and military energy storage and conversion systems , as well as remote (offgrid) power sources. In this paper , the recent progress of unitized


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