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细节性题目是阅读理解题中出现最多的一类问题,大约占40%左右。问题有两种基本形式:完全式和不完全式,其中不完全式的问题占绝大多数。一篇文章必须通过许多细节的信息来解释或表达主题,体现主题思想。弄懂这些细节对于理解全文的作用是不容忽视的。因此要在阅读时准确把握所提供的信息。这类考题是比较直接的,理解字面意思就可答题,有时则是比较间接的,要通过归纳、综合才能得出答案。 做细节题时,大多数学生易出现的问题是阅读速度太慢,缺乏一定的快速阅读技巧,考生要培养自己快速获取信息的能力。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中去找与此问题相关的段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。除了运用扫读法(scanning)外,还可以兼用排除法,将“文中无此细节”和“与此细节相反”的选项排除。 细节理解是文章的有机组成部分,是作者表达中心思想的具体手段。读者要准确理解一篇文章,就必须重视人名、日期、事实、数据和地点等。细节理解型题目又分直接信息题型、间接信息题型以及信息综合类题型。 I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed,when I heard a noise in the front of the house.I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise,Santa himself stepped out from behind the Christmas tree. He placed his finger over his mouth so I would not cry out.“What are you doing?” I started to ask.The words choked up in my throat,and I saw he had tears in his eyes.His usual jolly manner was gone.Gone was the eager,boisterous soul we all know. He then answered me with a simple statement“TEACH THE CHILDREN!” I was puzzled; what did he mean? Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR(杉木) TREE .“Teach the children that the pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year round,describing the everlasting hope of mankind,all the needles point heavenward,making it a symbol of mans thoughts turning toward heaven.” He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR.“Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago.God promised a savior(救世主) for the world,and the star was the sign of fulfillment of his promise.” He then reached into his bag and pulled out a CANDLE.“Teach the children that the candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world,and when we see this great light we are reminded of he who displaces(取代) the darkness.” Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound,and from his bag he pulled out a BELL.“Teach the children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell,it shou


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