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纳兰性德·《浣溪沙·残雪凝辉冷画屏》英译 残雪凝辉冷画屏。 落梅横笛已三更, 更无人处月胧明。 我是人间惆怅客, 知君何事泪纵横, 断肠声里忆平生。 Stream Silk-Rinsing Nalan Xingde The painted screen isn’t shorn of its cold light on the slushed snow, The pipe on the tune of plum-petals is still blown in the dead of night, When the quiet place has been bathed in the dim moonlight. I’m only a heart-rending stranger in this very human life, Yet I wonder why I have tears coursing down my cheeks. In the mournful lore I cannot but conjure up my lifelong creeks. (By 吴松林) 纳兰性德·《秣陵怀古》英译 山色江声共寂寥,十三陵树晚萧萧。 中原事业如江左,芳草何须怨六朝。 On the Capital of Yore1 Nalan Xinde Both mountain hue and river song are sad and drear; Showers of leaves on Thirteen Tombs ruffle the ear. The Northern Kings sought pleasure on the Southern shore; The bygone dynasties need no grass to deplore. Nanjing was the capital of the Six Dynasties (211-280; 317-589) and of the early Ming, whose thirteen emperors were buried in the Thirteen Tombs and whose last emperor sought pleasure on the Southern shore and was overthrown. (By 许渊冲) 纳兰性德·《记征人语(二)》英译 列幕平沙夜寂寥,楚云燕月两迢迢。 征人自是无归梦,却枕兜鍪卧听潮。 What I Hear From the Warriors Nalan Xingde The camps over the sandy field are quiet in the night; Clouds of Chu are too far away from the moon of Yan. A dream of reunion is impossible for us warriors; We lie listening to the tidewater, head on helmet. (By 王晋熙、文殊 纳兰性德·《如梦令·万帐穹庐人醉》英译 万帐穹庐人醉, 星影摇摇欲坠。 归梦隔狼河, 又被河声搅碎。 还睡, 还睡, 解道醒来无味。 To the Tune-title “As in a Dream, a Short Lyric” by Nalan Singde Ten thousand felted tents filled with exhausted men; Flicker and fade of stars about to set. I was travelling home and trapped by the Wolf-River—that dream; And again the river’s clamour has broken it! Let me sleep on, Let me sleep on; Awake, I know the savour of life will be gone. To the Tune of Ru Meng Ling Nalan Xingde The vast encampment is locked in drunken slumber. The stars whirl and whirl, as if to crash to earth. Dreams of return blocked and crashed by the Bailang River. Sleep on! S


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