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Common traps Repetition Redundancy Ambiguity Exaggeration Good writing avoids the following traps: These are common annoyances for editors * Repetition and redundancy Vary the sentences used when writing the abstract or describing findings at the end of the introduction Don’t copy from other sections verbatim! Avoid words with the same meaning In addition, there were also modifications to the learning rule dealing with… * Ambiguity The results produced by the fuzzy model are compared with several neural networks Compare apples to apples… The results produced by the fuzzy model are compared with those produced by several neural networks * Exaggeration * “There was a massive decrease in the number of tumors following p.o. administration of green tea” Beware of exaggeration but do indicate significance * Other common traps Incorrect use of etc. / and so on “The two groups of data were compared using a variety of statistical methods including a t-test, chi squared analysis, etc.” It is important here to define the tests used as they are particular to the paper, not part of a natural series and not obvious to the reader * (老外喜欢你陈述事实,是不是首次发现由别人说了算,有没有意义需要时间来检验)。 * proofreading校对 * * Nomenclature[?n??m?n?kle?t??, n???menkl?-]?1.系统命名法;命名(过程) 2.(某一学科的)术语,专门名称 * * * * * * 投稿信 * * 咱们看看我们的论坛,你就把reviewer和我们一样 好的文章就像好的帖子一样,你至少得让版主把你的paper好好看看 你想人家给你置顶、加精,你就必须多花点功夫,有些事情得好好考量考量。 * * * * * 抽象名词和物质名词表示一般概念时,前面不加冠词 * * * * Lucid: 表达清楚的, 明白易懂的 speculative思考的,思索的,推测出的 ;投机的,投机生意的 * speculative思考的,思索的,推测出的 ;投机的,投机生意的 * Vancouver温哥华 * Exaggeration[ig?z?d???re???n]夸张,夸大 * verbatim[v??be?t?m] (完全)照字面的(地),逐字的(地) * tumors瘤,肿瘤 massive可观的, 巨大的, 大量的 * Relationships between data preprocessing and learning in multilayer neural networks Slower learning in multilayer neural networks is correlated with numerous inputs of diversified ranges, high level of noise, and nonstationary nature of data Title * Abstract Try to be concise but include the following Describe the prob


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