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中研院院士江博明於6月16日接到美國地質學會(GSA)通知,謂他被選為 2016 GSA Honorary Fellow(榮譽會士)的得獎人。該獎將於今年9月25日在 Denver(Colorado)召開的 GSA Annual Meeting 頒發。 這項榮譽會士獎授予傑出地質學家或對美國地質學會作出重要的服務者。 到目前為止大多數得獎人為非美國籍的科學家;少數例外包括三位最早登 月的太空人(Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins)。絕大多數的得獎人 在科學上已做出國際認知的長期貢獻。 這個獎於1909年設立。從此,除了幾年的二戰期間,GSA每年選出一或幾 位得獎人。迄今為止(共107年)總共選出104名(包括今年的一名)。大 陸方面有4人(3位已過世) 。此外華人還有許靖華院士(中研院院士)。 在列的著名地球科學家有:Jean Aubouin, Warren Carey, Sierd Cloetingh, William Compston, Maarten de Wit, William Fyfe, Augusto Gansser, David Green, Albrecht Hofmann, Shunso Ishihara, Alfred Kroener, Xavier Le Pichon, John Lovering. Shigenori Maruyama, Michael McElinny, Dan McKenzie, Hans Ramberg, John Ramsay, Alfred Ritmann, Alex Ronov, Werner Schreyer, Celal Sengor, Nicholas Shackleton, Paul Tapponier, Rudolf Trumpy, Brain Windley. 今年江博明的候選人資格由史丹福大學的劉忠光教授提出。 8/3/2016 Geological Society of America - Award Medal Recipients /awards/ 1/3 GSA home GSA Community | GSA Store | Donate | Contact Us Log In | Join GSA Honors Awards 2016 AWARD MEDAL RECIPIENTS Geological Society of America GSA2016 Honorary Fellow: Bor-Ming Jahn Taiwan Geologists who have distinguished themselves in geological investigations or in notable service to the Society may be elected as Honorary Fellows. In practice, nearly all candidates are non-North Americans who live and work outside of North America. The most noteworthy exceptions were astronauts (Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins). Most Honorary Fellows have been elected after many years of outstanding and internationally recognized contributions to the science. Honorary Fellows do not have to be members of GSA to be considered. The program was established by the GSA Council in 1909, and since



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