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1.They were observed ______ the bank at 8:35 and leaving ten minutes later. A.enter B.entering C.to have entered D.entered 剖析:B observe sb.doing sth.表示“看见某人正在干某事”,又根据and leaving...这一语境可以确定,B项为正确答案。 2.If you do not know how to ______ yourself at table in a foreign country,you should copy the host.(2010陕西八校联考) A.dress B.tell C.show D.behave 剖析:D 句意为:如果你在国外不知道就餐时如何做到举止得体,你就应 该模仿主人。dress“穿衣服”;tell“告诉”;show“展示”;behave“举 止”。由此可以判断正确答案为D,behave oneself举止规矩。 3.In a way,I think we both won—I won the game but you won my ______. A.support B.favour C.respect D.impression 剖析:C 句意为:在某种程度上,我认为我们俩都赢了——我赢得了比赛, 但是你赢得了我的尊敬。support“支持”;favour“赞同”; impression“印象”,均不符合语意;只有respect“尊敬”符合语意,故选C。 4.______ they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures.(2010北京,30) A.As B.While C.Until D.Once 剖析:D 考查连词。once在句中引导时间状语从句,表示“一旦”。句意 为:一旦学生决定上哪个大学,他们就应该了解一下入学手续。其他几项不 合题意。 5.No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone ______ you wishing they were that high.(2010安徽,22) A.getting rid of B.getting along with C.looking up to D.looking down upon 剖析:C 考查词组辨析。句意为:不管你多么看低自己,总有敬重你的人希望他们也(像你一样)那么高尚。look up to“尊重,敬仰”; get rid of“摆脱”;get along with“与……相处,进展”; look down upon“瞧不起”。 6.—My son is learning English.What dictionary shall I buy for him? —What about this one?It is ______ for beginners.(2010浙江杭州模拟) A.intended B.operating C.operated D.intending 剖析:A 句意为:——我的儿子正在学英语。我应该为他买什么样的字典呢?——这本怎么样?它是为初学英语的人编写的。根据对话前后的意思可 以知道:第二个人向第一个人推荐的是一本适合初学者使用的字典。be intended for意为“专为……打算(设计)的”,符合语意。 7.The equipment ______ the disabled during the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. A.was intended for B.was intended to C.intended for D.intended to 剖析:A be intended for sb.为固定短语,表示专为某人使用。句意为:这 种设备是2008年北京残奥会期间专供残疾人使用的。 8.______ the stars carefully,and you will find that they are not shining themselves. A.Observe B.Notice C.Glance D.Mind 剖析:A 句意为:仔细观察这些星星,你就会发现它们本身是不发光的。 observe意为“观察”;notice意为“注意”;glance意为“看一眼,扫


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