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Who am I? 我是谁? ----To you, my dear students 致我的莘莘学子们 I am your warm stove, When you feel cold 天寒地冻时,我生起炉火 I offer you cool shade When it is hot in summer 烈日炎炎时,我送你你荫凉 I`ll be your shoulder When you need to cry on 伤心流泪时,我递你肩膀 I`ll be your helping hand When someone hurts you 受到伤害时,我伸手安慰 I`ll be your umbrella When it is raining hard 大雨倾盆之时,我撑起雨伞 I am your sunshine, When skies are grey 乌云密布时,我留你阳光 I`ll be your rainbow in the sky When you are happy 欢乐得意时,我赠你彩虹 I`ll be the one When you need someone to talk to 就是此人,和你攀谈 I just to be here To make your burden lighter 就在此地,为你释压! I am your god, I`ll make you high! 我就是我!愿你今生高兴(的人)! ? By Ably in Ning xian No 1 high school August 25th,20014 The Night Is Darkening Round Me By Emily Jane Bront? (1818-1848) The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. The giant trees are bending Their bare boughs weighed with snow; The storm is fast descending, And yet I cannot go. Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond wastes below; But nothing drear can move me; I will not, cannot go. The Night Is Darkening Round Me 四周夜色越来越暗? By Emily Jane Bront? (1818-1848) The night is darkening round me, 四周夜色越来越暗, The wild winds coldly blow; 凄厉狂风吹得正寒。 But a tyrant spell has bound me, 专横符咒捆我紧严, And I cannot, cannot go. 我不能走动,不能动弹。 The giant trees are bending 棵棵巨树弯下躯干, Their bare boughs weighed with snow; 枯枝将沉重的雪承担。 The storm is fast descending, 风暴飞快地降自天边, And yet I cannot go. 而我却不能动弹。 Clouds beyond clouds above me, 头顶乌云一团团, Wastes beyond wastes below; 脚下荒丘一圈圈; But nothing drear can move me; 可是沉闷阴郁动我不得, I will not, cannot go. 我既不愿,也不能动弹。 * * *



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