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科学素质与文史哲素质的互动 王夔 北京大学药学院化学生物学系预防药物研究室 ? 知识 SCIENTISTS’ OATH I promise to work for a better world, where science and technology are used in socially responsible ways. I will not use my education for any purpose intended to harm human beings or the environment. Throughout my career, I will consider the ethical implications of my work before I take action. While the demands placed upon me might be great, I sign this declaration because I recognize that individual responsibility is the first step on the path to peace. Joseph Rotblat The Nobel Peace Prize 1995 第一个化学武器 1915年4月22日 德军与法国-阿尔及利亚联军相距几十米。 沿7000米的前沿同时打开6千多个液氯钢瓶 10分钟内放出150吨氯气。 氯气云向联军方向飘移速度:0.5米/秒 1~2分钟全军覆没。 F. Haber 合成氨发明者 Noble化学奖获得者 化学武器(氯气)发明者 磺胺药 Then came the explosive news of sulphanilamide.. I remember the astonishment when the first cases of pneumococcal and streptococcal septicemia were treated in Boston in 1937…. Here were moribund patients, who would surely have died without treatment, improving in their appearance within a matter of hours of being given the medicine and feeling entirely well within the next day or so. --L.Thomas(1983) G.Domagk 磺胺药发明者 Noble奖获得者 Erwin Schr?dinger ? 社会推动 学科推动 潮流 跟踪热点、瞄准前沿?无人喝彩? 目标?目的?追求? 心态 冷漠、爱好、激情、彷徨、浮躁、怯懦、胆大….. 寻找捷径?循序渐进? Kuhn的科学史观: 科学传统生命过程 1937 Nobel 生理学医学奖获得者 缺乏想象力的时代? We have a basic shift in paradigm. Previous was Newtonian to Relativism; now phenomena of chaos connecting so that subtle relationships become much more important. We should not have compartments between science and humanities. Scientists find the same reality as the artists. E.Laszlo 医生和医学科学家的思维方式 受体 因子 信息分子 网络 全方位判断 预防和治疗 Science is built up of facts as a house is of stones, but a collection of facts is no more science than a heap of stones is a house. Jules-Henri Poincaré 观察+诊断+药物?医学 医术:观察、预测的医生“最多是生理学的奴仆” Claude Bernard 观察?相关性?因果关系。 临床实践走在医学


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